Messages : 18
Ratchet and Clank?
Ooh, I know! Nefarious and Lawrence!
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Messages : 18
Ratchet and Clank?
Ooh, I know! Nefarious and Lawrence!
Messages : 3875
Ratchet and Clank?
Ooh, I know! Nefarious and Lawrence!
Close! It was actually Nefarious and Qwark. Inseparable.
Messages : 18
Inseperable? Nevermind.
Messages : 3875
Yea, Qwark and Nefarious are hilarious. Every time Nefarious pops up, Qwark does as well.
I hope that we see Nefarious again in the future, even after the events of A4O, I would love to see more Dr. N.
Messages : 5964
(including Star Fox
Ah, look at that. May I say 'Finally!'. It seriously has been years since I heard anyone else say that. Which is your favorite? Even though Lylat Wars/StarFox 64 was my first, I still love Adventures the most. It might have been Dinosaur Planet before and a Zelda doppelganger (-I like that word), but its still my favorite in the franchise. Honestly it wouldn't have been my favorite if it still was released as Dinosaur Planet on N64. The overall design, music and story are what appeal to me.
In second place I'd go for Assault. Again a not so favorite for most. The variation of walking, Arwing and Landmaster (and Wolfen for the first time!!) I like better than just the Arwing and sometimes the Blue Marine or Landmaster. It has a supreme story, awesome orchestrated music and all the planets we know. I think it was the first time for most people to see the mistake they made in the NTSC copies where Fichina is called Fortuna. While Fortuna is a planet full of nature and dinosaurs and Fichina is filled to the top with snow.
3rd places goes to StarFox 64 3D. It was the perfect remaster and so much better than how they did Zelda OoT. Orchestrated music, clear voices (a big part done by the original actors) and new modes. I had a love of fun with getting all medals in the 3 main modes and the introducing of Score Attack where you play any planet at any time.
4rd place is for StarFox 2. The canseld game you have or have not heard of. I bought a SNES repro-cart with the fun game on it and works perfectly. I like how the Arwing can not only walk, but swim too! Its also amazing to see the All Range Mode on a 16bit console. That FX-chip is strong! The game has a great soundtrack and is very replayable!
5th place is for StarFox Command. It has 7 terrible endings and only 2 good/great ones. The game ruined nearly all characters, but I still love it. As long as I play to one of the good endings and don't end up as an F-Zero racer or let Krystal join StarWolf. Creating you own route requires some strategy with I kinda like and the 'hunt down' levels keep being fun. What doesn't is all the mini bosses where you chase one (or 3) other planes and they just run away and drop bombs. Not the most fabulous AI.
I'm gonna wrap this up xD
6th place is for Starwing/StarFox.
7th place is for the original Lylat Wars/StarFox 65
8th goes to Starwing Competition/StarFox Super Weekend. It might not have been a real game, but as rare as heck as it is. I still own an original cart that I love to play with ^^
Besides that, I will always have StarFox as my nr. 1 franchise. I will always be begging for one last wrap up with James McCloud, Vixy Reinard etc. The way it is now is like a detective with the last page ripped out. Nintendo… stop making Zelda, Mario sports and other things that lost their glory on the WII and give a StarFox for once…
Also, welcome to RG!
Messages : 18
Wow. To say the truth, Star Fox used to be my #1 franchise too
I never played Star Fox Command, and I don't really want to
I REALLY wish Dinosaur Planet was a real game. My favorite game of the series is Star Fox 64. I liked Star Fox Assault a lot too
But the reason why R&C is my #1 franchise is because it never loses its shine, even after games like Size Matters and Secret Agent Clank.
To put it simply: The Star Fox series had a great setup from the beginning. Star Fox on the SNES was pretty great, and the N64 one was better. But after that it started going downhill. The game seemed to change its genre completely, from OoT-ish to… Star Fox Assault (not sure how to explain that one ), and most of the fans gave up on it.
Ratchet & Clank had a great setup from the beginning as well. Everyone loved the original Ratchet and Clank, and you had to have it. The second game was really good too, and the third, and so on. And even though some games slowed down Ratchet & Clank a bit, like what I mentioned earlier, the fans still loved it all the way through.
But, about the Star Fox thing… We should be buddies
Messages : 5964
We should so be buddies!
Command is still a great game. It has its flaws for sure, but I still put a lot of hours in that one. Adventures just has the music, atmosphere, worlds, dislogue etc. I love that game, I think it will be my nr1 game forever
Oh, btw. Did you read the text under my avatar?
I know it's kinda off topic Heather, but where did you get that avatar?
Messages : 5964
I know it's kinda off topic Heather, but where did you get that avatar?
Here ^^
Oh, thanks
I'm almost a year on these forums, but i never really presented me, so you guys don't know anything about me…
So here:
Hello! I'm Gerben. I'm 12 years, and i know that i'm one of the youngest members of the forum, but i really love Ratchet & Clank.
I live in Belgium, a little country in Europe. I know that my english is not that good, buti do my best. I started playing
Ratchet & Clank when i was 5 years, and after that i played them all! That's why i started collecting the games and the merchandise.
I also made a showcase thing on my room, like the most of you already know. I don't have much money to buy these things, but i try
to get a big collection. I also love Apple (computers), and in 2007 i made a site named 'Gerben System' (I know it's a stupid name ),
and after that i made manny more sites, like GSentertaining (Now it's named 'CeleBreath', a celeb site. I also made some sites for others,
and now i started with 'Merch', and the first site is RatchetMerch. If you are interrested in my
other sites here the link to Gerben System: http://gerbensystem.weebly.com/ . I have to
update that site soon. So this is whom i am, Gerben, Someone who loves gaming, computers, music, movie's, making movies, pictures and music.
Messages : 192
Hello all! My name is Fionn, im 18 and living in Ireland. I just started college this week studying Software Development. Ive been coming to this site for years and only recently made an account :P dunno what took me so long. Looking forward to many more posts in the future! (also really looking forward Ratchet & Clank Into the Nexus :L )
Hello all! My name is Fionn, im 18 and living in Ireland. I just started college this week studying Software Development. Ive been coming to this site for years and only recently made an account :P dunno what took me so long. Looking forward to many more posts in the future! (also really looking forward Ratchet & Clank Into the Nexus :L )
You are welcome!
Messages : 5964
Welcoming the Stargate to RG!
Welcoming the Stargate to RG!