Messages : 3875
Now mine is obvious isn't it? It was my first ever account name i had ever made… Okay well when i was like 10 i made a Runescape name RoboQuad (BTW if you are wondering no i do not like Runescape and i came to my senses FAST! But not exactly fast enough ) RoboQuad was because at the time i was into those funny robot things (to me they were imprsive and i owned a RoboRaptor Robosapien and a Robosapien V2 (and all the mini ones) Back then i wasn't into games and hadn't heard of Ratchet and Clank
But many years went by and in 2009 (i must have been like 13?) i got a PS3! (at this point i hadn't been online since Runescape) and a year went by before i heard of the Playstation Network! (by checking out all the stuff in the XMB) i then was challenged with making up at name? (at the time i was a hardcore R&C fan and had just struck 100% in all of the games exept SAC, SM, and R&C2) i wanted to be Ratchet… Something? I went through my vocabulary looking for a word that meant… Superior? Or something like that? Then i found the ultimate word Ruler! (i thought i was profesional enough to be a Ratchetruler! And so i am (PSN wouldn't let me be just that though so i put the most sensable number i could think of… 1. I mean seriously how tidy is a single 1? So on PSN i am Ratchetruler1
Its funny last year when i started on LBP i learnt how to make me some good friends and they all called me Ratchet! I always found that funny. Though like three of them talk to me as if they are talking to a dog? Still funny
Soon after makin' the name i decided to look at the creators of R&C saw they had a commounity and decided to join! Ten this year joined RG 'cuse i heard it was so great!
I also have a Scratch account :oui: So i think i am the only Ratchetruler in existance! I would have thought someone else would think of that?