Sujet : the Origin of "Your Username"

I tend to finish levels very quickly and i get Platinum trophies very quickly aswell,i also love Ratchet and Clank so i thought "SwiftLombax" would be fitting for me.

I'm sure that you'r old username doesn't mind being cut out of the story?

Oh, I haven't replied yet?
Mine nick is made from two parta overlapping. Both in Czech, my mother language.
Filip is a Czech variation id Phillip, an it's also my first name.
Puntik is dot/spot in Czech. And I have lots of these brown spots on my face (people at least tend to point that out).
Now it sounds crazy that my whole name is in Czech, but hey, it's just a theory I used this name on different places… Aand most pf them Czech.

(BTW I also use the nick KoKo_Karrot)

I recon your name is awesome.

Can't quite put my finger on it…

Can't quite put my finger on it…

I'm gonna take a wild shot in the dark and guess that your name had a little inspiration from Vid Comic #1 in UYA and Quest for Booty

At first my friends called me MnM because those are my initials, M and M but i used slang for the and changing it to 'N'.
The DJ part is there because i listen to music a lot and make my own music too. Mainly instrumental.

Mine came from my PS3 name, Ratchet is a Lombax and on PSN I have 57 friends, that is where it came from.

Mine is very original! My name is Gerben Steyaert and my username gerbensteyaert emoji But I also use dividedx11

"Chocolate" is part of the name "Chocolate Misu" which is a character from a series I liked (and is also a dessert); I always had a dilemma when it came to naming your character in games that required it (like Persona 3/4 or Fire Emblem: Awakening for example) and wanted something I could default to for everything and kinda randomly chose this one since I like sweets. Its stuck with me.