Sujet : the Origin of "Your Username"

My username is based on the villain of a Jak and Daxter fanfic I'm trying to write XB

On places like YouTube and deviantART, I'm known as CrashFreak. I've also gone under the alias Tanner (due to the fact I really liked Driver's main protagonist) and Neo Tanner (Just added Neo to it). On a Sims custom mod website, I'm also known as Professor AI - a character from my comic series 8P

Ironicly, my hair is jet black and I have green eyes.

I think the word you're looking for is coincidently, not ironically, lol emoji

Is it not? emoji

My username is based on my YouTube name, which id based on another video game alien race… (the Furons from Destroy All Humans) when I made this profile; I: A) was bored of DAH and B) thought I should have Lombaxes as it's R&C
"dude" was sort of a connective, because Lombax42 doesn't sound quite right. 42 is the answer to life the universe and everything, (according to Douglas Adams).

and in case you are wondering, my YouTube is "Furonguy42", I have some mash up kind of things of R&C: music vids that are lip synced to game footage, and spoofs! feel free to check it out but you are by no means obliged

Mines pretty simple, really. "Kiwi" because im a new zealander, "Lombax" because they rock (:coolemoji and "15" because my birthday is 15 of February.

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well, everyone knows im a major fan of the cragmite, so no need to explain teh "Tachyon part… I though of PipoPercy for a few seconds but then no one would get teh reference, might think that was my real name, or might think im a boy. XD

but my favorite character from one of my favorite series- Ape Escape- is Pipotron Blue. I love her more than any other character in taht series, but yet again… shes a background character that was tossed around. as in tossed around, i mean never was set in stone- like tehy were always changing her looks- personality- they even changed her gender when putting her in teh anime! she was a boy like her bros, Red and Yellow (and no longer was there a female pipotron) which made me a bit mad, but i like her the way she was in ape escape: pumped and primed: playable character! Girl! had her own evil robotic laught and language! she was great, but now most people dont even know that she was a girl. i made a plush toy of her when i was 7 from scratch, i loved her so much. even though pipo often refers to multiple characters, like the Pipo Monkeys, i mean Pipotron Blue. she is one of my 3 most favorite characters in existance. emoji

My username is the name of my Lombax OC, as I've probably mentioned a number of times before, XD

But as for the basis of his name, his first name I had some trouble coming up with, but I wanted something that began with an "M". So, I texted my friend for some suggestions and among the ones that he listed was Mercus. I decided to go with that 'cause I was sorta on a "Gears of War" kick at the time, and "Mercus" was close to "Marcus", as in the first name of the main protagonist Marcus Fenix.

… though nowadays, I've considered the first name to be a mix of the Latin "Mercurius", the name of the Roman god of trade, merchants, and travellers and also the Latin form of "Mercury"; and the name "Marcus", which is derived from the Roman god/planet Mars and is associated with war.
(So, basically, his name is a combination of two planets in our Solar System. XD Kinda fitting, since Mercus was also born in this Solar System.)

As for his last name, it's basically a pun on the word "wrench" and a slight not to "Ratchet" as well. emoji

… wow, that was a long rant, huh? Just don't get me started on how I came up with my usual username of "KingdomHeartsKeeper". emoji

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Heh that's interesting emoji! I used to use my OC's names as usernames too in the past, but I got out of that now.
I actually sorta wanna change my username to Lurking Leanne now though…

well it was jaykthepikachu-my calling card name if you see jayk,jaykthepika or jaykthepikachu,it's me.I sometimes shortin it to jaykthepika or just jayk

Jayk-well my name is jamie but people call me Jay and then K-my last name intial.

With me at first it was skunkfu1x on youtube and for and a few stuff too it was a combanation of skunk fu a good show while it lasted no.1 is actualy a excamation mark and x for sonic x (even though i never watched it) then soon i played some game a few later the i came across Scaler so i kept the name and remade him as my own character as a hedgehog but i didn't use the name as my user name. not untill sonic unleashed. i was amazed about the werehog and thought it to be a cool idea from sega and then i decied to combind both scaler and the werehog and came up with werescaler but now it losing it's luster and so i decied to use aegis scaler my version and orinal of bobby scaler jenkins but since the other sacler's name aegis is his last name i use the name as ScalerAegis now. ps i didn't steal scaler's name. both Scaler's maybe the same but they are not one is a goofball while the other as in mine is like my personal replacement of sonic when his games are bad and is still my own character.

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The history of my username is pretty simple. When I was starting to join this website, I had to think of a new username, then I thought of CanadianLombax, and there. The reason that I made up the name CanadianLombax is because that I live in Canada, (Technically British Columbia, Canada) and I like Ratchet, and his Lombax race, thats it.

Well "Insomni" is because I love to pull all-nighters and "act" is just there because I can put on quite a show and I am very good at acting… "Insomniac" "Insomni-act" emoji

I go by three different handles on forums and such, carbonfiber, carbonfibreguy, and my dA username.

Simple, three years ago I started loving carbon fiber so much that I wrapped stuff that were deemed ugly in it. Well, I don't like the American way of spelling it, so that's why I used 'fibre'. 'guy' because I'm a guy. Durr.

Last year I needed something shorter than carbonfibreguy, and CFG is too short, so I just put carbonfiber.

RF are also my initals!

Funny enough, those are my initials too!

I put LastLombax because Ratchet "is" the LastLombax and also because the end video of A Crack in Time is Last Lombax

Mostly my name was of an old design for Gear, a corrupted Lombax cyborg, but now im mostly known on MMO's as Fidgel( A name i made up out of the blue) and SirCupcake Heck, i love knights and cupcakes!