So I just played a Red Faction a little, but its not for me.
Red Faction just doesn't cut it. When I play a game with human characters, I much prefer to play as a female because those characters are always more intersting to me. Haven't found any exceptions. Nathan Drake is great, but I find myself wanting to play as Elena Fisher anyways. In Red Faction you play as some guy I have a interrest in of 0%.
I'm not an expert on Red Faction Guerilla, but from what I do know, it's not really looking to be a character-based epic like most other games, it's just looking to show off a detailed physics engine - hence why the majority of the gameplay involves knocking down buildings. I understand if it's not for you; personally, I'm not particularly keen on any game that doesn't have an engrossing story, but it's worth keeping in mind what the developers are actually trying to achieve with their audiences too…
I also agree with your statement on female characters to some extent; though they are usually more interesting *because* we don't get to play them, for some reason, the people who write the story lines for games tend to put more character development into the characters that you don't play, since the majority of game main characters are male, it's usually the female ones that become more interesing - of course, this isn't always the case, for example, Insomniac Games obviously put a lot of development into Ratchet, and the character I found most interesting in "The Last of Us" was
The main character's daughter, whom you do play as in the first few minutes of the game, but is killed off fairly quickly; in those few minutes, I felt a stronger connection with that daughter character (I'm not sure if they even gave her a name..?) that I did playing as Joel throughout the entire rest of the game