I got really happy today
What the Flak?! Where did you get them? I thought the manga comics were long gone!
Found them on amazon US for only 16 bucks! It was pure luck, the mangas are so damn weird, ratchet is high or stoned all the time :p
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I got really happy today
What the Flak?! Where did you get them? I thought the manga comics were long gone!
Found them on amazon US for only 16 bucks! It was pure luck, the mangas are so damn weird, ratchet is high or stoned all the time :p
Messages : 5964
That is lucky! So you've read the back to front? Cause y'know… Mangas are upside down. Fine.. don't laugh at my awesome joke.
Messages : 2733
Ah, finally, someone who willingly says that the R&C manga is pretty weird. Anyway, is your Japanese good?
Ah, finally, someone who willingly says that the R&C manga is pretty weird. Anyway, is your Japanese good?
My japanese? Yeah that's perfect! NOT! I don't understand a single word :p I just look at the pictures (and yes, Heather, I'm reading it right ) but a picture says more then 1000 words. Someone that would like to see a video?
Messages : 5964
Darkstar has already showed some of the finest momenents. But if you could narrate it…
Hi! Long time no see… If someone is interested, I made a video about my collection and the future of the R&C franchise.
Messages : 5964
Hey man, I can't believe I missed this! You've got a beautiful set up there. I also love how you have so many of the uncommon items. You see a lot of 'the same' collections here and there, but yours is definitely different. Kudos!
Messages : 171
I own this press kit for Ratchet 1, which I got from someone at my workplace a few years back for cheap. His dad was a games journalist, and this guy knew I loved Ratchet and Clank, so sold it to me for really cheap. I was very lucky!
Messages : 3023
wow never seen this before awesome!
Messages : 5964
This one has the cards with all the different weapons on them, yes?
Cool find! I was able to buy one for €60 a few months back and I'm having a lot of regrets that I didn't buy it... Bought this item tho yesterday, never saw Tools of Destruction with that cover before. I thinks it is a bit weird because it's an Size Matters image... It has a promo disc inside.
Messages : 5964
Cool find! I was able to buy one for €60 a few months back and I'm having a lot of regrets that I didn't buy it... Bought this item tho yesterday, never saw Tools of Destruction with that cover before. I thinks it is a bit weird because it's an Size Matters image... It has a promo disc inside.
Ouch, that hurts. The thing with press kits is that there's so few in circulation, they have no set value. So just finding one is already a big step. I did the same with a Gladiator/Jak X kit though, it's the bane of all collectors.
But this promo you have there is weird indeed. It's very unusual for a publisher to release something with artworks from a previous entry. Is it a regular white-red promo disc inside?
Messages : 171
Oh, wow. That's really very cool! It's always great to find these things in "the wild".This one has the cards with all the different weapons on them, yes?
Yeah, it does, it's a cool thing!
I have various other things in my collection too. I have some of those screen prints they released years back. I unfortunately was unable to get the Clank one, but I do have the Creaturebox Dr Nefarious one, and the one with all the weapons on it plus some others. The ones below are the ones I own, but they are currently in their tubes until the house is redecorated and we find nice frames for them. I love these, I hope they do more!
Messages : 5964
Yes, regular red-white promo disc. The back of the cover is the same as the regular box-art. I don't have it yet, bought it in Germany and really curious to receive it.
All right. Then I really wonder under what circumstance these were handed out.
Oh, wow. That's really very cool! It's always great to find these things in "the wild".This one has the cards with all the different weapons on them, yes?
Yeah, it does, it's a cool thing!
I have various other things in my collection too. I have some of those screen prints they released years back. I unfortunately was unable to get the Clank one, but I do have the Creaturebox Dr Nefarious one, and the one with all the weapons on it plus some others. The ones below are the ones I own, but they are currently in their tubes until the house is redecorated and we find nice frames for them. I love these, I hope they do more!
When you're all done renovating, I'd love to see some pictures of your collection!