Messages : 386
James is not allowed to reveal that kind of stuff. Good luck with that.
Honestly, I think a CG R&C show would be great. It's long form, so it opens up so many doors for developing characters. I was thinking about that while leaving the theater.
10-15 episodes, 20~25 minutes each.Names of the episodes: 1."The mission", 2."Losing the Protopet",3."The hunt for the thief",4."The arena",5."Rescuing Clank", 6."The search continues",7."Protopet delivered and revealing", 8."The warning",8."The threat", ,0."Don't drop the soap" (There is supposed to be an innuendo somewhere right? Right? It is too harsh.),10."Another rescue…",11."Stopping the restribution",12."The infection spreads", 13."Preparations", 14."Big reveals are for big stomachs",15."Defeating the Protoper menace".
And please no cheap 3D that looks like 2D. And no reimagining since the story is good as it is and much more suitable for a movie/show than the first one.