Sujet : Ps4 games thread

I was once the opposite. I despised realistic games, and would play nothing more realistic than Rayman and Ratchet & Clank. From there I played LittleBigPlanet and wouldn't take a single step any further in that direction. But after that I played Resistance: Fall of Man, Resistance 2 and then inFamous. Yea from there onward I would play pretty much any game.

I recommend trying the Tearaway demo to see if you like it or not… infact I would suggest the Vita demo above the PS4 one. It's a good demo, and can really determine how much you may or may not like the game.

I myself am very on the edge about Tearaway. It seems to be a little too far on the kiddie side, but I can stand it for the awesome gameplay and graphics. I have been known to turn down games for being too childish though… looking at you LBP PSP!

Alright, alright. I'm almost through my Vita wanted list anyway. I'll get the Vita version some time. emoji

Thank you.

But please, I must ask you to try the demo first. Sure it's a bit of a biggie in size, but it's only a demo, and it'll save you buying a game you may not like. Remember what happened with MGS? Everyone has different tastes.

tearaway is really cool and to be honest theres actually a really wierd side to the game which suprised me because i actually thought that it was a kiddie game but media molecure tend to hide them type of secrets and get away with age rating

if i were you i would try out the demo

by the way i would say the vita version is better than the ps4, i dont know though because i like original and they have changed iotas looks alot

Whatever "hidden secret" you think you found, is not what you think it is, because I have never once seen Mm hide anything inappropriate in any LittleBigPlanet or Tearaway games. Then again I haven't played Tearaway for PS4.

I found the Vita version of Tearaway to be superior for the simple fact that it has much cooler ways of interacting with the world. Although the device you unlock in the Lab level was pretty crummy, I think. Although the PS4 version is obviously way better looking.

And Iota has a different default look, but it can always be changed.

Whatever "hidden secret" you think you found, is not what you think it is, because I have never once seen Mm hide anything inappropriate in any LittleBigPlanet or Tearaway games. Then again I haven't played Tearaway for PS4.

Well there is the Meerkat strip club in LBP1 and "Free Love" and the "Denied" middle finger in LBP2, for starters.

Thank you.

But please, I must ask you to try the demo first. Sure it's a bit of a biggie in size, but it's only a demo, and it'll save you buying a game you may not like. Remember what happened with MGS? Everyone has different tastes.

Nah. During my vacation I'll take what I can get. Disliked Grafity Rush, but I played it anyway. T'was all I had. And besides, it's like €10 right now. So at this point I've already decided I'll get it emoji

Well there is the Meerkat strip club in LBP1 and "Free Love" and the "Denied" middle finger in LBP2, for starters.

That was more of a Meerkat disco. And "free love" could be easily interpreted as completely innocent. And the "Denied" middle finger is a pretty good one. Although it isn't that inappropriate in my eyes. Only kids who knew what they were doing would understand it was a sign of disrespect. It isn't much stronger than that.

Speak of the devil. There's gonna be a Grafity Rush 2 on PS4 as well as a console remaster. And I'm happily going to ignore it. emoji

anyway what i meant was tearaway (if you noticed) gets kinda depressing,

You mean the ghost stage? Yea it was a little freaky. But kids games have these things. Rayman 2 and 3 were like this, LBP1 was like this, and Tearaway has one too. Although Tearaways isn't nearly as freaky as the Rayman ones.

So a buddy is confusing me. Is Terraway PS4 a sequel or a console port?

It is a remake.

EDIT: Not to be confused with a "remaster", which this game most certainly is not.

I re-purchased Destiny a couple of days ago, with all of it's DLC expansions… because it's cheaper this way. I was able to download the game over a period of just a few hours, but then it tried downloading a few gigabytes of updates, and just died. Only now has it finally finished downloading them. I had to pause and resume the download several times to speed it up over the course of the past few days.

Now I am running the game and it says it's "Transferring game content". It is moving so slow that I estimated it was moving at 2.5KB per second, or 9MB per hour. With pretty much exactly 216MB to download, it is safe to guess that by midday tomorrow I will finally be able to start this game


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