Messages : 23
Wow! People here have talent.
That is obvious
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Messages : 23
Wow! People here have talent.
That is obvious
Messages : 16
I like Kurt and Jenna! Oh and Mercus (he is kinda hot xD)
I dont have drawing for my character online yet but I'll post her here later, her name is in my username though (dont worry, she isnt a Mary Sue! she isnt paired with anyone in the R&C universe so dont worry -.O )
Eww Mary Sues XD yeah I often dislike Sues too…. but people are still allowed to do them if it makes them happy, but they cant expect everyone to like them though if the decide to do one.
I also dont think any of my R&C characters are sues, since well… none are based on me anyway XD
Messages : 103
I like the Sonic 7, or Six Seekers
Ah, what the heck. I'll just do this here…
* Name: Techneztha
* Gender: Female
* Species: Cragmite (Hunter- warrior crossbreed)
* Home Planet: Reepor
* Occupation: Percy, Being bored or flying around in her ship, Apocolypse
* Height: 5'8"
* Weight: 267
* Age: Cragmite yrs: 26/ Human yrs: 120
* Eye colour: Bright angry canary yellow
* Weapon of choice: Shredder Claws or Alpha Cannon (VX omega for each)
* Personality: Rough, tough, tends to be aggresive, and is very inteligent. however, she has the habit of only wanting to do things her way, and will do whateever it takes to stick to her methods. this is often something bad for it either ends in injuries, problems, or more injuries. She never backs down, is very muscular, and is very sassy.
Name: Jasmine Cain
Species: Lombax
Home planet: Technically Fastoon but she was the first cub born in the dimension the lombax fled to
Occupation: A Corporal in the Lombax Praetorian Guard
Height: 5 foot, 3 inches
Age: 25
Eye colour: Bright purple
Fur colour: Black
Weapon of choice: A long, double headed wrench that unscrews to reveal two swords.
Personality: A born prankster, Jasmine leaves chaos wherever she goes. Anyone is fair game for her japes, be it Captain Quark, Agorian warriors and even her own General! But, even though she can be hard to live with, Jasmine is a born guardsman, strong,loyal and honest to a fault, not thinking twice before charging into a fray, no matter the odds.
Always remember you're unique - just like everyone else.
oh and she has a tail. All my lombaxes have tails. What is with that anyway?
Always remember you're unique - just like everyone else.
Please don't double post
And it's nice to see this topic revived again XD I'll share more of my OC's here too once I draw them….
And as for female lombaxes, I dont have any of them myself as characters but if I did make any, I'd give them a tail anyway screw canon!
Messages : 190
He's here…. and p***ed
* Name: Gear Onimi
* Species: Lombax
* Home Planet: Fastoon
* Occupation: Robbery, Hacking into Bank's
* Age:33
* Eye colour: Orange
* Weapon of choice: Two handed Wrench , Air strike gauntlets
* Personality: Incredibly Arrogant, unless someone is able to help him. He is kinda annoyed by anyone who doesn't take him seriously. Is able to take on big enemies with his wrench, due 5 years of intensively agorian warfare training. and being rased by a stand-up comedian, he knows alot of jokes, Is maybe one of the most intelligent Lombax in this universe (Well, not that there are many anyway) Is the last of the Onimi bloodline , He is able to refine iron into trilium, create state-of the art wrenches, but is always looking for a new challenge.
(sorry if the image is blocky, i had to resize it)
The Formula why sportsmen get fat salaries:
Knowledge is power, and power corrupts. Corruption=Evil and crime is evil.
Crime doesn't pay.
I like this thread! I wanna keep it alive! :P
* Name: Zraymin
* Species: Lombax
* Home Planet: Fastoon
* Occupation: Archeology, Me
* Height: 5'1"
* Weight: 89 lbs.
* Age: 19
* Eye colour: blue
* Weapon of choice: Doesn't really fight, but probably the Raptor Launcher
* Personality: Very shy, and paranoid about alot of things. makes a nice friend, and is very sweet. He wont be afraid to make new friends, but maybe depending on how aggressive you are towards him. He's very smart and shy, but has brave moments. His best friend is me. (for now, anyway…
I have a few more characters other than scaler myself so i'll give out my next two but i don't have there pics yet but i'll upload them soon once i fix them.
first up
Birth Place:Unknown(possably Earth, found by Scaler)
Curent residents:With Scaler on Earth
Wepons:None but haves super powers and some times will use scaler's d. blasters.
Powers:Elamental magic and Super Sayian powers(unknown how he got theses powers, but maybe got them by birth.)
Personality:an energetic young boy,Nervous on his own powers, and excalent friend and a bit independent.
Ruben's small History:he's an orphend kid at birth but he's not familar
with his own birth place or planet. when Scaler found him he was fighting off some robots and Ruben wanted to go with him. Scaler then remember the type of species he was and he asked Ruben about how he came to earth and where's his family was but Ruben doesn't know how he got here or where is his family,though Scaler let Ruben stay with him and to find his family.(if possable)
and next
Birth Place:Earth
Curent residents:Unknown (he's always travals)
Wepons:Z-Saber and blaster type ZX
Powers:shooting star and Esp
Personality:to sum up Nova's personality(cause a bit too long) he's like sonic the hedgehog,silver, shikamaru from naruto, and axl from megaman x all of this is more or less.
Nova's info:Nova is actually a hedgehog who was permently changed into a lombax. though even though his friend Scaler can help change him back to normald he refuse to along with another who was permently changed into a ottsel(more on this guy later and he was changed in the same way as nova). so this is them and i'll get to there pics after i'm done with them.
SPECIAL/ULTIMATE MOVE: Oblivian Blast,kamehameha overload, and a echo blaster
(ps picture is from http://thelombax51.deviantart.com/ thanks again)
Shoot! so much for my Elementa character! Her name was nova too.
Shoot! so much for my Elementa character! Her name was nova too.
sorry my bad tho you did say yours is a girl right so i don't think it's too much of a problem
SPECIAL/ULTIMATE MOVE: Oblivian Blast,kamehameha overload, and a echo blaster
(ps picture is from http://thelombax51.deviantart.com/ thanks again)
Shoot! so much for my Elementa character! Her name was nova too.sorry my bad
tho you did say yours is a girl right so i don't think it's too much of a problem
okay good… her full name is NovaTron, so that takes away even more of the problem. LOL. I have to say, your character taht you posted on the front page sounds cool.
Shoot! so much for my Elementa character! Her name was nova too.sorry my bad
tho you did say yours is a girl right so i don't think it's too much of a problem
okay good… her full name is NovaTron, so that takes away even more of the problem. LOL. I have to say, your character taht you posted on the front page sounds cool.
thanks he's my own version of sonic plus if there was a game with him in it he won't just be about speed like sonic (which i have no problem with sonic at all) Scaler will be more of what he is and what he can do (scine he can adaped to just about any thing).
SPECIAL/ULTIMATE MOVE: Oblivian Blast,kamehameha overload, and a echo blaster
(ps picture is from http://thelombax51.deviantart.com/ thanks again)