coming up next: who will be the lombax to undertake this dangerous mission? Will it work? And why am i asking you all these questions? Stay tuned!
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|29 nov. 2010 01:02:50
"coming up next: who will be the lombax to undertake this dangerous mission? Will it work? And why am i asking you all these questions? Stay tuned!"
*brain emplosion*
I've been thinking about rewriting my earlier chapters. I had more experience with the later ones so the first few are too short and don't have enough detail.
wow! Amazing! Very discriptive and crystal clear details! I look forward to your upcoming chapters!
coming up next: who will be the lombax to undertake this dangerous mission? Will it work? And why am i asking you all these questions? Stay tuned!
"coming up next: who will be the lombax to undertake this dangerous mission? Will it work? And why am i asking you all these questions? Stay tuned!"
*brain emplosion*
wow! Over 2000 viewings! Thank you all so much!
This Fan-Fic ROCKS!!
Gahhhh! Chapter 6 is taking…so…long!
Curse you, writers block!
You fanfic is like a sequal! If this was a movie or a book, it would sell very well. Well i'd certainly get it!
I am planning on doing some improvements to my fan fiction. Constructive critisism is greatly appreciated!
"Gahhhh! Chapter 6 is taking…so…long!
Curse you, writers block!"
What is writers block?
It's when you have no idea what to write about. But I think it's starting to shift
Sorry to double post, but I FINISHED CHAPTER 6!!!
Awesome! I can't wait for chapter 7!
Sorry for double-posting, but chapter 8 is so EPIC!! Your fanfic is the best one I have ever read!
I've been thinking about rewriting my earlier chapters. I had more experience with the later ones so the first few are too short and don't have enough detail.
I think the earlier chapters are fine the way they are.