Sujet : The Overrated List

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I know one that is overrated.

the "It's over nine thousand" joke and "that's mama luigi" joke

It's been use way too much.

Anything that's been heard or seen on the internet is overrated. Some of these saying and quotes may sound funny at first, but they get a bit tiring afterward.

I might as well add the quote "I WAS Frozen Today!" to the list too. I think saying the quote is funny, but of course give it a break once in a while.

I also think the Shrek films are pretty overrated too. I thought the first film was pretty memorable and fun, while the sequels were still fun to see, but were quite forgettable very easily.

I might as well add the quote "I WAS Frozen Today!" to the list too. I think saying the quote is funny, but of course give it a break once in a while.

Where's that from? Never heard it before. emoji

GoW is overrated.

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I might as well add the quote "I WAS Frozen Today!" to the list too. I think saying the quote is funny, but of course give it a break once in a while.

Where's that from? Never heard it before. emoji

The quote is from the film Suburban Commando with Hulk Hogan and Christoper Lloyd. Everyone says that line now because the Nostalgia Critic (an internet star sensation) has used it in some of his movie reviews, even in his Suburban Commando review which the whole line sensation started it all.

GoW is overrated.

We've already mentioned Gears of War. Are you referring GoW as God of War by any chance?

To be honest i find Fallout 3 to be overrated, i tried to get into it but i just found it boring and dull mainly because of the colour scheme being made from every shade of beige.

Johnny Depp - I think he's a good actor, but I think people (such as many fan girls) are too crazy with his appearances in films or anything in general, especially in the Pirates of the Caribbean films or anything directed by Tim Burton, which by the way Pirates and Tim Burton are pretty overrated too. emoji

Appearently, some fangrils sneaked on the filmset of its newest pirates of the carribean film, and played as figurants, good thing they got caught tough.

Justin boober i totally hate that kid boo u suck

UNO: Modern rap. Almost anything past the 2K mark is well…crap. We need Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five, E-Z-E, NWA, and maybe Ludacris WAS an exception up until he joined forces with Justin Beiber…

DEUX: 'Yo mama' jokes. Honestly, there are SO many more put downs if you know your English. Or any other language. You can literally insult just about anyone without getting in trouble by not saying a four letter word. I love English.

TRES: Ferrari World. 'Nuff said already, being the car freak I am. Ferari basically constructed a Ferrari theme park for their Abu Dubai customers, lol. Gonna be out of business in a while I'll predict.

FOUR: 2012. I feel that it doesn't exist, who cares? All these references in class, obviously made by the freshmen 87% of the time, is getting annoying. It seems almost an insult now.

FIVE: Call of Duty. I honestly have only played it a few times, and it was quite a downer to my criteria.

In other words, I feel awesome being able to post again.

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DEUX: 'Yo mama' jokes. Honestly, there are SO many more put downs if you know your English. Or any other language. You can literally insult just about anyone without getting in trouble by not saying a four letter word. I love English.

It's true. Any mom jokes is extremely overrated until someone tells you that their mom has passed away. That's when the mama jokers will shut their big yaps about that kind of humour. :P

FOUR: 2012. I feel that it doesn't exist, who cares? All these references in class, obviously made by the freshmen 87% of the time, is getting annoying. It seems almost an insult now.

Well, 2012 is basically like the whole Y2K conspiracy that people thought would happened back before the year 2000. In results, nothing bad happened after January 1st 2000.

I look forward to 2012. I'm plan on waiting till the rumored time of the apocalypse, then I'm gonna laugh my butt off when it doesn't happen! emoji emoji

Well, quite a couple of people have some big plans when 2012 comes around, illegal and legal.

I'm obviously not going to participate in the former, but I'm just going to chill at home, and if hostile aliens should invade, they better start praying to whoever they do because there is no escaping from shotgun rain. emoji


global warming
justin beaber

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global warming
justin beaber

i may be an anime semi fan (not one of those snorting annoying ones, theres only like, 4 animes i like) but i fully agree with everything on that list other than that. may i add Lady GaGa and Kesha? XD

and im sorry, but the craze for CoD BO is the most ANNOYING thing to the point where i may as well explode. theyre all like: "You have to play Black Opps to be a real gamer" and I'm all like, seriously?
they should focus on more than violence and guns and first person shooters. and the BEST part? they go off thinking im kiddish for liking RC and IZ. WTFUDGE!

98% of the kids at my school are XBOX 360 fanboys and despise me for loving sony IN GENERAL. and as my friend always says:



global warming
justin beaber

i may be an anime semi fan (not one of those snorting annoying ones, theres only like, 4 animes i like) but i fully agree with everything on that list other than that. may i add Lady GaGa and Kesha? XD

and im sorry, but the craze for CoD BO is the most ANNOYING thing to the point where i may as well explode. theyre all like: "You have to play Black Opps to be a real gamer" and I'm all like, seriously?
they should focus on more than violence and guns and first person shooters. and the BEST part? they go off thinking im kiddish for liking RC and IZ. WTFUDGE!

sure, go ahead and add them :P

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global warming
justin beaber

i may be an anime semi fan (not one of those snorting annoying ones, theres only like, 4 animes i like) but i fully agree with everything on that list other than that. may i add Lady GaGa and Kesha? XD

and im sorry, but the craze for CoD BO is the most ANNOYING thing to the point where i may as well explode. theyre all like: "You have to play Black Opps to be a real gamer" and I'm all like, seriously?
they should focus on more than violence and guns and first person shooters. and the BEST part? they go off thinking im kiddish for liking RC and IZ. WTFUDGE!

98% of the kids at my school are XBOX 360 fanboys and despise me for loving sony IN GENERAL. and as my friend always says:


I would rather watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer than see sparkling vampires in Twilight. emoji But anyways, moving on.

Lady Gaga has been mentioned, but I don't think nobody has mentioed Ke$ha yet (Good Lord!, did I really spelled her name like that?)

Other than Lady Gaga, it appears that Kesha and Katey Perry are overrated mainstream artists these days. Sure, I think Perry has a bit more talent than Kesha does, but dear goodness her songs are annoying as heck.

As for the COD games. I've said this many times in other topics and I'll say it once more… only playing Modern Warfare 2 or Black Ops DESON'T MAKE YOU A REAL GAMER! You're entitled to play any game you want. If someone forces you to play a game, it's your choice to whether you want to play it or not.