There is also a moment on RaC 2 I think and Ratchet and Clank do the same motions as Jak and Daxter do when they find a Precursor orb, with the Jak and Daxter music too!its called a power cell precursor orbs are the eggs that are evrywhere
I remember that moment in Going Commando. Ratchet and Clank doing a Victory Fanfare from Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy cracked me up.
If only Jak and Daxter could have made a spoof of the Ratchet and Clank weapon obtaining fanfare in their games. Now that would of been funny to see, but it's too late to change it. Oh well, at least we got to see a Ratchet and Clank shooting target theme in Jak 3.
I'm surprise I didn't mention this earlier but one part in the cutscene The Great Clock and You, when Orvus quotes "Paradoxes stacked on top of paradoxes, conundrums on top of conundrums." definitely sounds like a reference to Dr.Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
The way Orvus explained the Fongoids using the Great Clock frequently sounded quite familiar to the Grinch explaining about the loud noises in Whoville, except Orvus didn't talked about it in an infuriating way.