I think some people who say things like "Ratchet and Clank is for babies" tend to rate things on the graphics; I've seen people say "Team Fortress 2 is for babies", despite the fact that TF2 has a 15+ rating and just as much, if not more gore than CoD, but they say that because the graphics are "cartoony" and CoD is "realistic", so a possibility of them saying that is because of the art-style of the Ratchet games.
On that matter, some long time Ratchet fans have said that All 4 One and FFA look like Insomniac Games are "targeting a baby audience" because the graphics are slightly more cartoony!
Many 10 year old kids think that Ratchet and Clank( and another example, Portal) are games for babies. So what do they do? They play Call of Duty like it was really mature…
What?? Who says Portal is babyish? 
I can kind of understand what people mean when they talk about Ratchet and Clank looking bayish, but in what way is Portal even remotely babyish?
It's technically a FPS, there was some gore (in the first Portal, not the second), there's a lot of dark/grim humour, in Portal 2 there was some moderate language and some of the puzzles towards the end of Portal 2's single-player and throughout the co-op are way beyond really young children!