Messages : 3875
When I play a game loaded with gore and blood (like Resistance 2 and 3) I don't mind. It doesn't make me think "oh god, there's gore, I'm switching off, it's too much for me" or say "oh YES! BLOOD! A feature that is in every good game these days, without all this blood, I would have quit by now!" no I'm sorta in between. I think it's alright, makes the game a little less dull.
Then there are games like Killzone, where there is not much gore, but while you're loading the bad guys full of bullets (they have some hearty armour or something) it feels so right that they completely overdo the blood splash effects! Without the effects the game would be very dull indeed.
Ratchet & Clank and Jak & Daxter however are two game series that I think do not need blood, and would feel wrong with blood.
So really it depends on the game. If it's a realistic shooter game there will need to be at least some blood, it does make it a bit more interesting, though it doesn't exactly make me sit right up close to the screen with my mouth wide open in aw of the site of the stuff. It just feels right. But some can feel just right without, like Uncharted.