Sujet : Really Random thread

The seller is very punctual, he already deleted the ad. It's good you saw an actual picture, I thought maybe you bought it from Amazon or something. Ya never know what condition the item will arrive in.

I got mine from a nice lady on Marktplaats, €15 I believe. Neat condition, I love the 3D coveremoji

Do you actually have the All 4 One special edition? I would love to get that one to but it ain't cheap…

Ooh, free poster! So this is the.. what, picture book version you're supposed to read during the movie? Like the Tomb Raider and Hunger Games cathalogue? Except, judging from the price, not as fancy.

I don't have the A4O version. I suspected it would be easy peasy to buy it after release…. I was wrong. It's significantly harder to find than ACiT. :/

So fake looking! Of course, what 5 year old kid cares? Well, I guess I'll write a news update now (we're almost at 100!)

Membre supprimé

Most picture books based of kid movies have bad covers. but, I really like the poster they used

Also, someone really needs to make a "Heather triggered" gif emoji

Wait, what'd I do? emoji

No! *Sigh.. The moment you find out the new Lara Croft novel has been set back to January 26 2016…

User image

Also, someone really needs to make a "Heather triggered" gif emoji

Wait, what'd I do? emoji

No! *Sigh.. The moment you find out the new Lara Croft novel has been set back to January 26 2016…

User image

Well you trigger nothing, you GET triggered, sending you into fangirlish monologues emoji

Alright then, you come up with a GIF. emoji

That looks really interesting! Looking forward to it.
Anyway I came to this this . God, this looks creepy!

We're expecting a mid 2016 release on Steam and Xbox One. emoji

Deliver Us the Moon - Story Trailer

Fresh new trailer, finally I can confirm we have voice actors ^^

Can't wait for Yahtzee to review it! emoji

Anyway, got my hands on Deadlocked once again today. Turned the difficulty up to 4. Aaaand Orxon now takes an hour…

Ha! I would love to see that ^^
I've actually been interviewed, twice, on the FistLook convention. Luckely, none of those interviews have turned up online yet. The world is better off without them.

Deliver Us the Moon - Story Trailer

Fresh new trailer, finally I can confirm we have voice actors ^^

Getting better! May I ask how many other languages this will be translated into?