Messages : 5964
Everybody here must have an endless list of things he/she wants to see on this year's E3. So I thought we'd play a little game here: write down your personal list of things you want too see and then re-post it to see how many of these wishes came true. Make it as long as you want. May the odds be ever in your favor…
My list:
Teasers:New StarFox gameNew Ratchet & Clank
Sequel Sly Cooper: Thieves in TimeSequel to Tomb Raider '13
Tomb Raider / Uncharted cross-over
Mass Effect Trilogy VitaNew BioWare IP
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 3 (RPG)
Sequel to Fuse
Gameplay trailerThe Order: 1886
Alien: Isolation
Lords of the Fallen
Middle Earth: Shadows of MordorSuper Smash Bros. 4
TrailerMass Effect 4
Mass Effect Trilogy PS4/OneUncharted 4Dragon Age: Inquisition Star Wars: Battlefront III
Unexpected bonusses:
- Ratchet & Clank: Movie Trailer
- The Last of Us Remastered