Thread: Help please

I really could use some help getting the shield trophy. It's my last trophy left to earn. If anyone could please help my PSN is Erupt50

It would help to state which game you want help with…

Also, which trophy is it? There isn't one called Shield, I'm guessing from that is it's either the one for the Quantum deflector or the Moment of Reflection one that's co-op on Phonica Moon.

He probably does mean the one on Phonica Moon.

If that's the case, I'll help you, Erupt50. I need that trophy too.

If you have 2 controllers it is very easy to do by yourself. That's how i did it.

Yeah it is the moon one. And I've actually tried with the 2 controllers….it ain't happenin for me

Yeah it is the moon one. And I've actually tried with the 2 controllers….it ain't happenin for me

Take a look at this video so you get the placement and timing right.

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