If you were able to live anywhere in the Ratchet & Clank universe (Solana,Bogon and Polaris), what Planet and location, city would it be? Or would you just be chilling up on an asteroid
Mine would be Metropolis, Planet Kerwan from the Solana Galaxy, Megapolis from the Bogon Galaxy and i would choose to live on Meridian City or Luminopolis, Planet Igliak.
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"Today the Rebellion dies."
Messages: 5964
I would surely go for Metropolis, as dangerous as it may be. I like the city, its where I feel most at home in the games. Eventhough I life in a small village in RL

Messages: 412
I'm not totally sure, but either Daxx, Stratus City, Metropolis, Pokitaru or Krell Canyon. Weird combinations, but they're the ones that appeal most.
I'd like to live in Axiom City in ACiT. I always liked the look of that city.
Wil Wheaton says: Don't be a dick.

Messages: 382
Metropolis! It just has that feel

Messages: 4035
If there is a town I think prettiest as the others, it's Stratus City with its buildings, its colors, its vegetation…
It is a very oppen map and it's just lovely to fly among the flying cars (and a bit suicidary too). Kortog is my favorite planet in ToD !
Jowaï station on Pokitaru makes me dream too and the Krell canyon is magnificent… when Agorians or Tetramites are not here.
PS : I wonder why those cities are so high in the sky, don't you ?

Messages: 4
Novalis is so lush and if it weren't for the robot attack it would be amazingly peaceful. The other choice would be Jowai resort, Pokitaru as it is a lovely place with a beach side city and small green hills dotted around the place.
Deleted user

Eitheir Veldin or Metropolis,both beautiful planets ,well actually veldin is a backwater planet that is covered in muck but eh