Messages: 5964
So I just found this list-thingy on Facebook. I thought it would be great for everyone to fill it in and get to know each other just a little better
Empty version, credits to Gerben!
1. Real name:
2. Nickname(s):
3. Favorite color(s):
4. Male or female:
5. Elementary School:
6. Middle School:
7. High School:
8. College:
9. Hair Color:
10. Tall or Short:
11. Sweats or Jeans:
12. Phone or Camera:
13. Health freak:
14. Orange or Apple:
15. Do you have a crush on someone:
16. Eat or Drink:
17. Piercings:
18. Pepsi or Coke:
19. Been in an airplane:
20. Been in a relationship:
21. Been in a car accident:
22. Been in a fist fight:
23. First piercing:
24. Best friend(s):
25. First award:
27. First word:
28. Last person you talked to:
29. Last person you thought of:
30. Last person you texted:
31. Last persons you watched a movie with:
32. Last food you ate:
34. Last song you listened to:
35. Last thing you bought:
36. Last person you hugged:
37. Food:
38. Drink:
39. Bottoms:
40. Flower:
41. Animal:
42. Superhero:
43. Movie:
44. Subject:
HAVE YOU EVER: (Put an X in the brackets if yes)
45. [ ] fallen in love with someone.
46. [ ] celebrated Halloween.
47. [ ] had your heart broken.
48. [ ] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.
49. [ ] had someone like you.
51. [ ] got pregnant.
52. [ ] had an abortion.
53. [ ] did something I regret.
54. [ ] broke a promise.
55. [ ] hid a secret.
56. [ ] pretended to be happy.
57. [ ] met someone who changed your life. (does 'something' count?)
58. [ ] pretended to be sick.
59. [ ] left the country.
60. [ ] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.
61. [ ] cried over the silliest thing.
62. [ ] ran a mile.
63. [ ] went to the beach with your best friends.
64. [ ] got into an argument with your friends.
65. [ ] disliked someone.
66. [ ] stayed single for 2 years since the first time you had a boyfriend/girlfriend. (4/5 years and counting)
67. [ ] dance in the rain.
68. Eating:
69. Drinking:
70. Listening:
72. Plans for today:
73. Want to become:
74. Want kids:
75. Want to get married:
76. Career:
77. Lips or eyes:
78. Shorter or Taller:
79. Romantic or spontaneous:
80. Pets:
81. Nice or strict parent:
82. Hook-up or relationship:
83. Looks or personality:
84. Lost glasses/contacts:
85. Snuck out of a house:
86. Held a gun/knife for self defense:
87. Killed somebody:
88. Broken someone's heart:
89. Been in love:
90. Cried when someone died:
91. Yourself:
92. Miracles:
93. Love at first sight:
94. Heaven:
95. Santa Clause:
96. Aliens:
97. Ghosts:
98. Is there one person you really want to be with right now:
99. Do you know who your real friends are:
100. Do you believe in God:
1. Real name: Anna
2. Nickname(s): HeatherGrace
3. Favorite color(s): Navy blue
4. Male or female: Female
5. Elementary School: Friesland College, Leeuwarden
6. Middle School: To weird a name to even mention.
7. High School: /
8. College: Friesland College
9. Hair Color: Blonde
10. Tall or Short: Tall. 1,80m
11. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans
12. Phone or Camera: Phone, can't call 911 with a camera.
13. Health freak: Nope. I eat what the hecky I ever want!
14. Orange or Apple: Apple… with some sugar.
15. Do you have a crush on someone: Nope, and never did either :P
16. Eat or Drink: Eat. I like eating things.
17. Piercings: None, not even a pair of earrings.
18. Pepsi or Coke: Coke I guess? I don't really care that much.
19. Been in an airplane: Yup. Been in a few different places in Europe.
20. Been in a relationship: Nopez.
21. Been in a car accident: Nope, and hopefully I will never have to chance this answer! *knock-knock
22. Been in a fist fight: Yeah. Some creaper pulled my hair.
23. First piercing: None.
24. Best friend(s): Everybody who I like and is my friend, is my best friend!
25. First award: Some drawing I made back in elementary.
27. First word: GameBoy? Naw, just kidding. No idea.
28. Last person you talked to: My mum and dad at the same time.
29. Last person you thought of: My parents because of the last question.
30. Last person you texted: No idea, that was days ago. I think my mum.
31. Last persons you watched a movie with: My friends Yasmin. It was Harrpy Potter 1 and 2.
32. Last food you ate: Boerenkool. No idea what the translation is. If there even is one.
34. Last song you listened to: Something from Ellie Goulding I think.
35. Last thing you bought: Mass Effect: Revelation (Book)
36. Last person you hugged: A friend's boyfriend actually.
37. Food: Pizza
38. Drink: Gazeuse
39. Bottoms: Jeans
40. Flower: Er…
41. Animal: Dogs!
42. Superhero: I'm not really into them..
43. Movie: Snow White & The Huntsman
44. Subject: 3D (yeah, thats a subject for me ^^)
HAVE YOU EVER: (Put an X in the brackets if yes)
45. [ ] fallen in love with someone.
46. [X] celebrated Halloween.
47. [ ] had your heart broken.
48. [ ] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.
49. [X] had someone like you.
51. [ ] got pregnant.
52. [ ] had an abortion.
53. [X] did something I regret.
54. [X] broke a promise.
55. [X] hid a secret.
56. [X] pretended to be happy.
57. [X] met someone who changed your life. (does 'something' count?)
58. [X] pretended to be sick.
59. [X] left the country.
60. [X] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.
61. [X] cried over the silliest thing.
62. [x] ran a mile.
63. [X] went to the beach with your best friends.
64. [X] got into an argument with your friends.
65. [X] disliked someone.
66. [ ] stayed single for 2 years since the first time you had a boyfriend/girlfriend. (4/5 years and counting)
67. [X] dance in the rain.
68. Eating: Ice drops, cherry taste
69. Drinking: Water. Plain old water.
70. Listening: The Hunted menu… ambience. Its not really music.
72. Plans for today: Play some more Hunted.
73. Want to become: Director of a small amusement/serious game studio.
74. Want kids: No idea.
75. Want to get married: Yes… I guess.
76. Career: His very moment? Nothing.
77. Lips or eyes: Eyes, I have a funny fixation on eyes when I draw.
78. Shorter or Taller: Anything but averige. I like very tall and very small.
79. Romantic or spontaneous: Spontaneous is fine with me.
80. Pets: A dog, a few chickens and bunnies!
81. Nice or strict parent: Nice parent, duh!
82. Hook-up or relationship: How about neither?
83. Looks or personality: The combination creates the perfect match.
84. Lost glasses/contacts: nope, never needed them.
85. Snuck out of a house: no
86. Held a gun/knife for self defense: Luckely no.
87. Killed somebody: What a strange question, but no. Not in real life that is.
88. Broken someone's heart: Yes, I friendzoned someone. Not sure if he's too broken about it though.
89. Been in love: nuwp.
90. Cried when someone died: yes… unfortunately yes.
91. Yourself: ofcourse.. it's the point where you start with
92. Miracles: Sometimes yes..
93. Love at first sight: yes.. but I never experienced it..
94. Heaven: not really.. though I like to believe that our lost ones stay with us in some way.
95. Santa Clause: Is this question safe on an English site?
96. Aliens: yes… there's something out there. Turians, Lombaxes… others humans
97. Ghosts: Too scared to answer!
98. Is there one person you really want to be with right now: Nah, for now I just wanna be where I am.
99. Do you know who your real friends are: Yes. The ones who are not too.
100. Do you believe in God: No. Though I believe there's a path or something that teases us out there.