Thread: Really Random thread

Hey guys, sorry about the problems you encountered those last days, we actually moved onto a new host/server. We didn't expect so much trouble, until we found out the new server was running on a newer version of PHP. Our admin had to make some modifications, and in the meantime some of you were still connecting to the old server, and posting messages while other members were posting on the new server. The messages posted on the old server were lost the second they were posted.

Thing is, we didn't expect the process to take so much time, and were a bit busy to fix all this mess. I wrote a message on the english facebook page, but I should have warned you here sooner and I'm really sorry for that. Feel free to contact me if you encounter any other problem related to the transfer.

Thank you for your understanding, everything should be back to normal now emoji

The retro background is broken, but other than that, it's fine.

Oh ? Weird, I'm using it right now and no problem at all. You mean the background picture doesn't display correctly ?

Try refreshing your browser's cache (CTRL+F5) and tell me.

Thanks for clearing that up, RatchetBlaster.
It seems that I'm still unable to change my avatar, but I guess that'll be fixed eventually.
At least now we know someone wasn't messing around with the space-time continuum.

I'm starting to get a feeling that the next version will be out soon.

Thanks for clearing that up, RatchetBlaster.
It seems that I'm still unable to change my avatar, but I guess that'll be fixed eventually.
At least now we know someone wasn't messing around with the space-time continuum.

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Thanks for clearing that up, RatchetBlaster.
It seems that I'm still unable to change my avatar, but I guess that'll be fixed eventually.
At least now we know someone wasn't messing around with the space-time continuum.

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Maybe I should stick to puns?

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So we know playstation gets Ratchet, so naturally, xbox gets…

I'll just be honest: I'm not a big fan of sports video games. I'm more into action.

So we know playstation gets Ratchet, so naturally, xbox gets…


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So we know playstation gets Ratchet, so naturally, xbox gets…

Oh, so Sony gets three of their most iconic franchises while Xbox gets SSO and… erm…

I have no idea of who are the two characters asides from SSO.

they have really thought of their choices for there characters on tony hawks

So, Sony gets Ratchet, Sweet Tooth, and Sackboy. While MS gets Sunset Overdrive and…2 cups. There's a surprising gap in quality there. Not even Master Chief wants in on this.

I think cuphead is a 2D platformer with graphics that look like they belong on a 70's TV