Hello again, fellow fans!
Over the past week, there has been a lot of Ratchet and Clank news floating about. Only just hours after the last news update, another 2 pages of the Ratchet & Clank Comic was shown! That gives us a total of 7 pages, and 2 brilliant covers to look at…
Issue 1 : Release on 7th of September
Issue 2 : Release on 20th of October
And here's an interesting quote from the latest Comic-con, regarding the Comic series…
To discuss "Ratchet and Clank," artist Adam Archer was brought on stage to speak about the book and join writer Fixman, who also writes the games. "Especially in the last few PS3 games, people have become more and more invested in these characters," Archer said. "We wanted to make sure characters fans haven't been able to see in every game, that they would be able to see them and find out what happened to them."
Ratchet & Clank Action Figures : Series 2
The finals of the series 2 figurines have also been revealed! Check out these nice photos below…
Ratchet & Clank : Photo 1 - Photo 2
Alister Azimuth & Orvus : Photo 1 - Photo 2
The Smuggler & RYNO V : Photo 1
Rusty Pete & Slag on a Stick : Photo 1
Little Big Planet 2 - Collectors Edition!
Yet again, even more news and well… after so long, Ratchet & Clank costumes have finally been revealed in Little Big Planet's upcoming sequel! Check out the whole article over here at Playstation.com
> PlayStation.Blog US
This means that you can get the exclusive 'Ratchet & Clank sackboy costumes' if you pre-order LBP2 at Amazon.com, or if you get the Collectors edition… only currently both available to the US, which is unfortunate for a lot of other fans outside the US. But there may be hope, later on as it's release comes closer to Europe ;) check out the Playstation.com article on it for more exciting additions, including Jak & Daxter!
And also, finally… a little big of info on Insomniac's next game announcement…
Insomniac Games currently has a multiplatform title in development which is on the verge of being announced. When asked about whether or not the team from Insomniac will be at PAX , Insomniac replied via Twitter stating:
"yes – we have very exciting plans for PAX we are going to announce soon!"
Later, Insomniac posted the following in regards to the unannounced title:
"Sounds like the other IG (Irrational Games) is revealing their next game in August 11th… Makes us want to get in on the fun!"
Quoted right here from Playstationlifestyle.net… check the rest out, if you will…
And that is it, for now… ;)
I was on my winter holiday and very busy with school so I was very excited when I saw this news about the comic series
and the action figures!!!! I hope to get the comics when they come! But I dunno if I can get the figures…. They cost too much in NZ