Sony and Insomniac Games have just officially unveiled the next installment of the Ratchet & Clank saga : fasten your seatbelts, what you're about to read will probably pull your head off…
[Ratchet & Clank: Into The Nexus]
>> Watch the R&C : ITN announce trailer
Named Into The Nexus in North America, but simply Nexus in the UK, this new installment goes back to the series' roots and will conclude the Future trilogy, started with Tools of Destruction, then paused after the release of A Crack In Time.
An epic narrative dimension
The story will center again on the past and the future of Ratchet, while bringing back some of known faces from the universe of the Future trilogy : Cronk, Zephyr and Talwyn !
But that's not all of it, the Thugs-4-Less will also make their grand comeback, enlisted by the two main antagonists of this new adventure, Vendra and Neftin.
T.J Fixman, lead-scenarist of the saga, also declares : "If you thought Courtney Gears was evil, wait until you meet Vendra Prog". Well that's promising !
Into the Nexus begins with Ratchet and Clank transporting twin villains Vendra and Neftin Prog to a location known as the Vartax Detention Center. This voyage brings our favorite lombax-and-robot duo to haunted space, however, and while in the process of bringing his foes to lock-up, they escape Ratchet’s grasp. This leaves Ratchet and Clank alone and stranded in the scariest sector of space they’ve ever visited.
The Concept
Into The Nexus goes back to the saga's traditional formula, with new weapons to upgrades, new worlds to explore, but also new characters to meet.
Back to a design closer to the Future trilogy
Insomniac seemed to have listened to its fans and wishes to deliver them the ultimate farewell gift on the PS3 with this brand new adventure… To make a better comeback on the PS4 ? Probably.
Main features
> An epilogue to the Future trilogy that will bring an epic conclusion to it.
> Return to the R&C traditional formula, with a great 100% solo adventure
> New weapons, new worlds and new characters
> Comeback of know characters such as Cronk, Zephyr and Talwyn, aswell as the Thugs-4-Less
> New gameplay mechanics linked to gravity
> Gameplay sequences with Clank in the shape of a 2D platformer game
> Trophies, skill points, hidden gold bolts waiting to be discovered
Price and release date
The release date has not yet been established, but we can count on both Blu-Ray and PSN release for Holiday 2013.
The game will be release under the 30$/30€ price tag, which makes this game very affordable.
[More info]
> The project director of Into the Nexus is none other than the creative director of Tools of Destruction and A Crack In Time, Brian Allgeier.
> The soundtrack will be written by Michael Bross, who signs with this one his third consecutive Ratchet & Clank.
> A PS Vita port is not to be excluded, but Insomniac does not wish to reiterate the same mistake that happened with QForce, and will probably entrust another more experimented studio.
> Nexus. This mysterious name, for the most watchful of you, directly reminds of an abandoned PS2 project, and set to be released back in 2006 and was replaced by Ratchet Deadlocked. An artwork, only witness of this defunct opus, portrayed a relatively dark universe…
- Game's factsheet
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- Forum of R&C : Into the Nexus
Yahooo! So excited for NEXUS! It's great that they're bringing it out on PS3 (can't afford a PS4 yet) and that they're returning to traditional-style gaming.
this game is amazing

Delighted to see a classic game to return
yes bip bip it so cool
Its everything I hoped for in to one!
I can't wait for this game! Always wanted the classic gameplay back!
Got to say…this one game alone may make me break down and buy a PS3. SO excited that the old school R + C is coming back!