Ratchet & Clank: Comic Updates

Greetings R&C Fans!

This news may be a little late coming to the News section, but the first look inside the Ratchet and Clank Comic series have been revealed…

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Courtesy of IGN.com of course, as you can read and see here. This is quite an exciting first look into what is to come of the R&C Comic series, though the drawing style has come as a surprise or shock to most, as it is quite different to the cover of the comic.

Scheduled for release on the 8th of September

So, what are your thoughts, fellow Ratchet Galaxy followers? Personally, I think it's looking sweet so far!

A look into Issue 2!

This is a bit sudden, but a look into the 2nd issue of the Ratchet & Clank comic has just been revealed as well! (Well, at least the cover and some of the plot details, SPOILERS for those who don't want to know what happens next!)

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Ratchet and Clank's first run-in with Markazian planet-thief Artemis Zogg has landed them in a maximum security penitentiary. But this prison is one puzzle that even Clank is having trouble figuring out! Can this dynamo duo escape the confines of this ruthless lockdown before another planet is stolen?

Scheduled for release on the 20th of October

Stay tuned for more updates as they come :)


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Comments (4)

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Deleted user Jul 22, 2010, 4:38:15 AM

tara nice work with this storie also i have copied all those pictures down to make the first few pages of the comic in 1 picture if you could get the last few pages copie down cus we probably wont have em down here in aussie
so hopfully ill get em of the web

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Deleted user Jul 22, 2010, 8:23:28 AM

i would do anything for the actual comic
If anyone has the actual thing can you send me pictures of each page

Avatar - RevanAC
RevanAC Jul 25, 2010, 8:28:28 PM

    "i would do anything for the actual comic
    If anyone has the actual thing can you send me pictures of each page"
It's not out till the 20th of October dude

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Deleted user Jul 26, 2010, 6:45:19 AM

    "It's not out till the 20th of October dude"
im not silly i know that i just mean if anyone finds any pages on the interenet that are after page 7 tell me where thanks or if anyone buys the comic when it comes out can u send me pictures of each page