General info
Language: English
Birthdate: 1/28/96
Registration: 1/25/11
Last activity: Feb 27, 2025
Messages: 3,875
Quote: Is it awesome here, or is it just me?
Gender: ♂
Country: New Zealand
Hobbies: Playing Games
Social networks:
PSN: ratchetruler1
No fan-art published
No fan-fiction published
Player info
5 owned consoles:
PS2 Playstation 2
PS3 Playstation 3
PSP Playstation Portable
PS Vita Playstation Vita
PS4 Playstation 4
R&C Games
- 18 owned games:
- Ratchet & Clank
- R&C: Going Commando
- R&C: Up Your Arsenal
- Ratchet: Deadlocked
- R&C: Size Matters [2]
- Secret Agent Clank [2]
- R&C: Tools of Destruction
- R&C: Quest For Booty
- R&C: A Crack In Time
- R&C: All 4 One
- R&C: Full Frontal Assault [2]
- R&C Trilogy HD [2]
- R&C: Into The Nexus
- Ratchet & Clank (PS4)

Other info
Latest messages
Go and play some LittleBigPlanet, it's good for you!
Okay, so you are here because you want to know something about me.
The games I like include: Ratchet & Clank, Jak and Daxter, LittleBigPlanet, Killzone, Resistance, Uncharted, inFamous, Rayman, Metal Gear Solid, Grand Theft Auto V, Minecraft, and Portal.
I'm mostly known as a member from either Ratchet Galaxy or Insomniac Games' Forums. I am also known by few for my Ratchet & Clank levels on LBP2 or my music level from LBP Vita. I want to make a really good Minecraft level on LittleBigPlanet 3, but I won't be able to until the developers fix the profile corruption glitches game.
...I guess that probably isn't going to happen...