General info
Language: English
Birthdate: 7/14/94
Registration: 10/5/14
Last activity: Sep 2, 2022
Quote: Shut up and take my bolts!
Email: samantharawlings147@outlook.com
PSN: SonicRaygirl
Steam: femalescout147
5 fan-arts uploaded
No fan-fiction published
Player info
3 owned consoles:
PS2 Playstation 2
PS3 Playstation 3
PS Vita Playstation Vita
R&C Games
- 13 owned games:
- Ratchet & Clank
- R&C: Going Commando
- R&C: Up Your Arsenal
- Ratchet: Deadlocked
- R&C: Size Matters
- Secret Agent Clank
- R&C: Tools of Destruction
- R&C: Quest For Booty
- R&C: A Crack In Time
- R&C: All 4 One
- R&C: Full Frontal Assault
- R&C Trilogy HD
- R&C: Into The Nexus

Other info
Latest messages
- No messages
Ratchet: "The rangers are actually my, uh... friends! Why do you think I have so many pictures of them?"
Clank: "But why are you not in any of them?"
Ratchet: "Well, somebody had to hold the camera, right?"
(Ratchet and Clank Movie)
Hello everyone, the name's Sammy!
I've been a huge Sonic the Hedgehog fan for many years and only just got into the RandC series around 5 years ago, but it's already slowly becoming one of my other favourite gaming series!
Ratchet is my best RandC boi and Sasha is my favourite female!