RevanAC's gallery


RevanAC's gallery

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Avatar - RevanAC
RevanAC Jun 26, 2010, 12:01:03 AM

They're my two ex-praetorian guard, turned mercenaries/bounty-hunters Rex (left) and Garrus (right).
Rex is the weapons specialist and makes or modifies weapons for maximum damage, he has modified his Viper with an extended barrel as he modded it to use bigger, more powerful rounds. He also added a scope for better long range accuracy. He also makes gadgets and combat devices that could rival Gagetron or Grummelnet. Gadgets such as his bionic eye (which he uses to see as he lost his right eye during the attacks on Fastoon). He also made Garrus' bionic arm.
While Rex is more of the brains, Garrus is more of the brawn, he just uses whatever weapons and gadgets Rex makes to get the job done as quickly (and usually as bloody) as possible. But just because Rex is smart, doesn't mean he can't rip your arms off with ease, he's just as strong and merciless as Garrus, lol
If they've been hired to find you, you'd be better off handing yourself in. They're not exactly famous for bringing back bounties alive.

Avatar - RevanAC
RevanAC Jul 16, 2010, 12:28:50 AM

    "Hey Revan
    I am surprised that you put only two pics in your RG's album, among so many others that you have make and put in your gallery on Deviantart, concerning Ratchet and Clank's theme.
    Why did not you put them ? They are so great."
I dunno, I guess I'm just putting up my newer stuff, when I look at my new art and then look at my older art I think "wow, that looks kinda crap in comparison". But I'll put a few more of my good older ones up too

Avatar - Captain_Lightspeed
Captain_Lightspeed Aug 25, 2010, 4:46:37 AM

Hey! it's good to see some art from a moderator here emoji I like those pics, good work with them! You draw Lombaxes pretty good!

Avatar - RevanAC
RevanAC Aug 25, 2010, 11:07:01 AM

Don't forget to check out my DA page for more R&C art

Avatar - RatchetGamer
RatchetGamer Mar 6, 2011, 11:50:19 PM

You should totally make a fanfic about Rex and Garrus!