Thread: Introduce yourself

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Welcome to Ratchet Galaxy, fellow newcomers ^^ hope you've been enjoying your stay around here too!

hello my name is draike i live in minnasota, i am 14. I love to play video games, and my spelling is not the best so i appologize. My friend talked me into joining and i am glad he did. When i am older i would like to get a job desingnig video games(because its the only thing that i like to do besides go to school, and yes i like to go to school. emoji) emoji emoji

Deleted user
hello my name is draike i live in minnasota, i am 14. I love to play video games, and my spelling is not the best so i appologize. My friend talked me into joining and i am glad he did. When i am older i would like to get a job desingnig video games(because its the only thing that i like to do besides go to school, and yes i like to go to school. emoji) emoji emoji

Well at least you aren't afraid of admitting that you like going to school, which is good because school makes you smarter.

Welcome to Ratchet Galaxy madbomber! Make sure you check the forums rules before you post anything in the threads. Enjoy your stay. emoji

Well at least you aren't afraid of admitting that you like going to school, which is good because school makes you smarter.

Uhh..I really want to counter this. School is simply a tool, doesn't make anybody smart. It helps, but doesn't entirely make them become intelligent.

Welcome to the board madbomber24. I can also say I enjoy going to school.

Deleted user

Well it's either go to school, or become a complete failure. emoji kidding!

Sure, school is a tool and I do have to admit that I didn't appreciate it back then (I was teased quite a lot as a child), but at least school will make you smart in something. You pretty much have to find what you're good or interested at, which could be the most difficult part in deciding what you wanna do in your life.

End of off-topic!

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hello my name is draike i live in minnasota, i am 14. I love to play video games, and my spelling is not the best so i appologize. My friend talked me into joining and i am glad he did. When i am older i would like to get a job desingnig video games(because its the only thing that i like to do besides go to school, and yes i like to go to school. emoji) emoji emoji

Welcome to Ratchet Galaxy, enjoy your stay around here emoji

im m4t, im new here. :hello:

Im the ultimate R&C fan. If anyone wants 2 dispute for the position, beware.

Im a ratchet and clank forum w***e emoji

Deleted user

Hey there emoji ! Always welcome to have more R&C fans about so… welcome along to RG ;-) and happy posting!

Hello I'm vanessa, I live in florida (where the sun shines way too bright for your own good) im 16 years old love to draw and play video games. I will be attending full sail university (art university) right here in florida in game art and hope to one day work in Insomniac, my favorite color is red and i like to listen to rock music

I like you already emoji


'Ello Vanessa. Welcome aboard.

Hello My name Is Juan Antonio M****s
19 years old

arrested (but not convicted)emoji for
burglary ,
resisting arrest
and assault on officer.

emoji My Screen Name means "Ice Cream Salesman" in Spanish emoji

I do enjoy this franchise ever since as a kid
but for the ps2 games had to rely on playing them at friends/relatives houses do to financial reasons .but later Aquried my own copy of ACIT.
Dislikes include short tempered people, Receiving sympathy, smugness.
Likes include traveling and being productive.

Hello I'm Nadja and I'm 14. I have been a fan of Ratchet and clank for about 7 years now. I live in Canada and my likes are drawing, reading and watching cartoons and the colour green emoji

Deleted user

To both new members… welcome to Ratchet Galaxy ^^ please enjoy your stay around here emoji and have fun!

Welcome to R-G Nadja and Vanessa emoji