Hey everyone, Im actually not new on here but ill introduce myself anyway 
The names Sharni Jobs, known by my friends as Lombax, born May 27 1992, lives in Vancouver Canada, wishes to live on Planet Orxon. My studies involve Software Design and Development/Game Development. Currently attend an Academy of Interactive Entertainment. I'd love to work for a video game studio, preferably Insomniac Games…but who doesnt? My current part time work is at an Apple Retail Store as a Specialist.
Im an obvious RaC fan…since 2002 actually, its been my childhood. Ever since I first played the demo for the first game, I was obsessed and still am to this day. NO game has ever beaten Ratchet and Clank to me, all my friends call me Lombax because they grew up having to put up with my crazy obsession. Im true to the original PS2 games, yes I absolutely LOVE the Future series but I prefer to play the PS2 series.
I have PAL/NTSC system so I can play any Ratchet and Clank game from NA or UK/AUS/NZ. I prefer the box art for PAL regions so I mainly own PAL box arted RaC games. I also own all the comics, most figures and game guides and other little things RaC I could find.
I like to day dream and imagine an alternate universe. I may come across as messed in the head sometimes but I have a very powerful imagination. I dont want to sound stuck up or self centred here but I have been complimented on my looks plenty of times, but the thing is…Im not just an average girl, behind the looks lies a MASSIVE NERD 
Well thats me in a bit…wanna know anything else? Just message me…I dont bite…hard :P