Thread: Movie Thread

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Here's the Movie Thread everybody!

Which Movies Would You Recommend To People?
What Kind of Films Do you Like?
Favorite Genre in Films?
Favorite Directors?
Favorite Actors? Actresses?
Review films you have recently watched.

Discuss anything that relates to this topic.

And…. action! emoji

Avatar is one of the best movies ever made. Saw it in 3D at the famous LG IMAX in Sydney. Can't wait for Iron Man 2.

I'd tell them to see 'how to train your dragon' I heard it's neat but I'll wait till it comes out on DVD.
I like some action, comedy, clay animation, and cartoons (just like sigmund yay! emoji )
not sure about the Genre bit yet
Tim Burton is one of them but forgot the rest
Johnny Depp is one of them but forgot the rest …. again emoji emoji
I havn't wacthed any films in a while might need to do that sooner or later.

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I loved Avatar too, even though some people whine about the story but I don't mind it, it works for the movie so there XD! But it's really the whole universe made for it and the effects that stand out the most, but I do like the Navi and characters as well. I was even interested in it before it became a huge hit (when I saw the trailer)

But I really want to see "How to Train your Dragon" too, it looks fun and cool emoji too bad I can't actually see any movies in 3D, I live in a small city emoji

The Dark Knight is one of my favourite movies to date.

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Avatar is one of the best movies ever made. Saw it in 3D at the famous LG IMAX in Sydney. Can't wait for Iron Man 2.

Really? Well I certainly heard mixed reviews about Avatar. Some people find it absolutely amazing while others thought it had pretty visuals, but with a lame story plot.

I didn't really see that many films in theaters for 2009 except for Star Trek, Up, Disney's Princess and the Frog and… *sighs* Planet 51.

Star Trek was enjoyable
Up was awesomely great
Princess and the Frog was very 2D amazingly epic!
And Planet 51 was bland and forgettable.

Don't ask why I saw Planet 51, but let's just say that my younger cousins wanted to see the flick. Oh well, at least I didn't see Alvin and the Chipmunks, the Squeakal with them. I think I would immediate ran out of the movie theater if I saw at least five minutes of that film.

Other films that I've enjoyed watching on DVD for 2009 are the Hurt Locker and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. I was surprised that I've enjoyed both of those films… and that the Hurt Locker won a lot more Oscar awards than Avatar. emoji

Avatar is one of the best movies ever made. Saw it in 3D at the famous LG IMAX in Sydney. Can't wait for Iron Man 2.

Really? Well I certainly heard mixed reviews about Avatar. Some people find it absolutely amazing while others thought it had pretty visuals, but with a lame story plot.

I didn't really see that many films in theaters for 2009 except for Star Trek, Up, Disney's Princess and the Frog and… *sighs* Planet 51.

Star Trek was enjoyable
Up was awesomely great
Princess and the Frog was very 2D amazingly epic!
And Planet 51 was bland and forgettable.

Don't ask why I saw Planet 51, but let's just say that my younger cousins wanted to see the flick. Oh well, at least I didn't see Alvin and the Chipmunks, the Squeakal with them. I think I would immediate ran out of the movie theater if I saw at least five minutes of that film.

Other films that I've enjoyed watching on DVD for 2009 are Hurt Locker and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. I was surprised that I've enjoyed both of those films… and that Hurt Locker won a lot more Oscar awards than Avatar. emoji

I didn't like CWaCoM. Don't know why.

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Oh yeah, Up is great emoji though I have yet to see The Princess and the Frog. I appreciate 2D traditionally animated stuff, so I should eventually ;D

But yeah, I didn't see much movies last year or this year even. Just always too busy and focused on stuff, and I have work too.

I loved Avatar, I've seen it 3 times and i'm buying it on Friday, but I preferred it in 2D, was cheaper and I just stopped noticing the 3D after a while anyway

also I loved How to train your dragon, it's awesome!

I loved Avatar, I've seen it 3 times and i'm buying it on Friday, but I preferred it in 2D, was cheaper and I just stopped noticing the 3D after a while anyway

also I loved How to train your dragon, it's awesome!

It's still showing in Australia, and is coming out on Bluray on Friday.

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I only saw it in 2D as well, but it was still amazing, nonetheless emoji but what's stupid, is that a lot of LITTLE KIDS where in the cinema too! It's not a kids movie, darnit XD! (I bet they fell asleep during it) but I was never bored while watching it. I just really liked all the made up creatures and landscape throughout it, and the action of course!

I think I'll see How to Train your Dragon soon too, when I'm not busy :p

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I didn't like CWaCoM. Don't know why.

Perhaps the humor and style wasn't your cup of tea.

I enjoyed it because it was bizarre and fun, plus I found out that it was directed and written by the same people who did the animated show, Clone High U.S.A (a underrated show that I really like to watch).

A film that I really would like to see is Fantastic Mr.Fox. My sister saw it and she said that it was a really good film. Since the movie is out on DVD already, I might have thoughts to get this film, but certainly not right away. I'll probably wait for the price to go down or rent it first and get it later if I really enjoyed the flick.

I've never seen avatar yet but I don't think it's my type of movie to watch no offence Revan