Discuss why you named yourself after the username you have in the Ratchet-Galaxy forum. Why did you decided to give that "username" in particular? Does your username have any meaning from the names, words and numbers you have put into your username?
If you're not clear about this topic, here's an example.
Take my name for instance - TipsyMcBee
TipsyMc is from an old nickname I had back in high school called "TipsyMcBoozerton". One of my high school friends gave me that name when I accidentally spilled some 7Up in her parents car… or van. I forgot which.
The Bee part is rather random for my username. I started rhyming words like Bee, Dee, Phee, Tea one day and decided to choose Bee for my username. My thoughts for choosing Bee was either it sounded pretty catchy when being mixed with TipsyMc or that I was never too freaked out by bees when I was young compared to other young girls.
So, does anyone get the idea of this topic?