Here you can talk about who you think the hardest boss is and why.
In my opinion,I think the Giganto Mech on Snivelak is the hardest boss because the mech is so strong that the RYNO 2 won't even take down nearly as much damage as the final boss would take.
Come to think of it,I'm starting to think that he should be the final boss in Going Commando because the Mutant Protopet will die in a matter of seconds with the RYNO 2,while the Giganto Mech's health won't even be taken down by 10% with the RYNO 2.
Now,who do you think is the hardest boss?
I say it has to be Dr. N on R&C 3 I kept dying alot when I first played it
Deleted user

I actually thought Drek was the hardest boss in the games, unless you had the RYNO XD
But I also agree with the Thugs-for-less Giant Mech, that takes AGES to defeat! Since you have to use those canons, as your own weapons don't do a lot to the mech :O
Final boss of Secret Agent Clank; in challenge mode!
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I find Drek from the first game to be one of the hardest bosses in the R&C series. Sure, he can be easily beatable with the RYNO, but without that weapon… Holy Monkey Pants, he is hard as heck on a stick.
Also another boss battle that I consider to be hard is…
(Contains Spoilers from A Crack in Time)
Alister Azimuth in A Crack in Time. There are reasons why he is a tough boss to beat.
1. He just moves pretty fast in certain moments (especially circling around with the hoverboots), which you have a 10% chance to hit him.
2. His health meter decreases pretty slowly when you hit him, even on weapons that are pretty powerful don't take too much heavy damage on him.
3. There are too many distractions everywhere in the area when you fight him, so you have to concentrate really hard to not get hit by Azimuth or accidentally fall to your death.
So therefore, he is one of the hardest bosses that I've ever beaten.
As for the Giant Mech in Going Commando, I would say he's pretty hard as well, but I find his battle to be more tedious and annoying rather than hard.
Final boss of Secret Agent Clank; in challenge mode!
I agree 100% with you. i haven't even beaten him yet.
Also Tachyon was the hardest boss for me to beat.
Final boss of Secret Agent Clank; in challenge mode!
I agree 100% with you. i haven't even beaten him yet.
Also Tachyon was the hardest boss for me to beat.
Indeed, Challenge mode in SAC, the final boss is the hardest thing in a videogame I've ever done, AND I CANNOT BEAT IT!
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Oh dear, I better be prepared for that once I can be bothered playing that game in Challenge mode :S (loading takes forever in the PS2 version)
Deleted user

Final boss of Secret Agent Clank; in challenge mode!
I agree 100% with you. i haven't even beaten him yet.
Also Tachyon was the hardest boss for me to beat.
I would say Tachyon was pretty difficult too, especially without buying any of the latest armor(s) in the game (you know, try to give yourself a challenge in defeating him ).
Although, he follows the same aspect as Drek, with the RYNO he is down but without the RYNO, he is tough to defeat. Except with Tachyon, it was only two areas to fight him while Drek's battle requires many areas to go to and a lot of weapon switching to do.
Actually,I think that the final showdown with Otto Destruct was very hard too.Without the RYNO,he was almost impossible to defeat if you weren't prepared with armor,weapons,and bolts(for the PDA.)
And yeah,Chairman Drek is a hard boss for being the very first final boss in the series.
Deleted user

Tachyon is easy so is the protopet and Vox But drek well i don't get it why is the hardest boss of a game Franchise usualy the first
and why is the giganto mech stronger then the final boss it makes no sense

Messages: 4
i think the hardest boss that i fought was emperor tychon on hard mode specially when you don't upgrade your weapons to vx
Oh dear, I better be prepared for that once I can be bothered playing that game in Challenge mode :S (loading takes forever in the PS2 version)
yeah I know, it takes almost a minute to load each section on the PS2 version, and it really bugs me.
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Messages: 10
Ofcourse Dr. Nefarious and his [duratskie] clones. [Ele udiral ot nih!]
In [] - dlya russkoiazychnyh. Sorry
I find Drek from the first game to be one of the hardest bosses in the R&C series. Sure, he can be easily beatable with the RYNO, but without that weapon… Holy Monkey Pants, he is hard as heck on a stick.
Yeah, I recently tried to beat him without the RYNO for the first time, and actually can't beat him.
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