Darkstar # August 10, 2014 at 7:35:38 PM ToD is almost 10 years old... Member Messages: 3650 Twitter YouTube Dual RaptorsAcid ModAmmo Mod=BIG BOOM Pffft, please.Scorpion Flail, Shock Mod and Improved Blast Radius is so powerful it's unfair. Now officially addicted to League of Legends.Send help.
MrSwiftey # August 10, 2014 at 7:36:45 PM See ya in the next reboot! Member Messages: 714 YouTube Dual RaptorsAcid ModAmmo Mod=BIG BOOM Pffft, please.Scorpion Flail, Shock Mod and Improved Blast Radius is so powerful it's unfair. I eat Scorpion Flail for breakfast 0_0
Ryllus # June 14, 2015 at 8:39:32 AM Bonne chance Gégé! :p Member Messages: 995 Dual Vipers with Freeze Mod is very cool.Supernova's blue beams are nice to see.