Thread: Favorite Weapons in ACIT

I didn't see a thread like this in the ACIT forum,so I thought I'd make one up.

What's your favorite weapon in ACIT?

You can also list the upgraded version,the basic version,or both(although most upgrades don't change how the weapon works.)

Here are my favorites:

Spiral of Carnage
Constructo Bomb
Constructo Pistol
Constructo Shotgun
Cryomine Glove-Blizzard Mine Glove
Mr.Zurkon-Zurkon the Destroyer
Groovitron Glove
Plasma Slayer
Buzz Blades-Doom Blades
Sonic Erupter
Rift Inducer 5000
Tesla Spikes
Dynamo of Doom
Mag-Net Launcher

Again,almost every weapon except RYNO V. emoji

Deleted user

Here is my list of favourite weapons in A Crack in Time.

- Sonic Eruptor
- Mr.Zurkon
- Constructor Shotgun
- Negotiator
- Buzz Blades
- Magnet-Launcher
- Tesla Spikes
- CryoMine Glove
- Spiral of Death
- R.Y.N.O. V

Yeah, my list is pretty little compared to yours. :P

I love the tesla claw and the plasma whip, and most of all, the lava gun! *Gasp*

Which ever one makes the most kills and noise. Excellent.

Deleted user
I love the tesla claw and the plasma whip, and most of all, the lava gun! *Gasp*

Those weapons were never in A Crack in Time.

Which ever one makes the most kills and noise. Excellent.

Would the R.Y.N.O V be one example of a loud and destructive weapon? emoji

All of them are my favorite, expect for the tesla spikes

Spiral of Death
All of the Constructo weapons
Sonic Erupter
Rift Inducer 5000

I seem to like the silly ones the most, but I found all of these weapons (including C-Weapons and Mods) helpful though out the game and never suffered from Lancer Syndrome. Even by the end of the game (before you beat Nefarious and Alister, and to a lesser point, 3rd battle Vorselon), I still found them useful. Never in the earlier games did I have this problem.

I still used the Sonic Erupter the most though (besides for the Construoto weapons)

Like all the other RYNOs,I didn't list the RYNO V because it is too overpowered and takes all of the fun away.

I like using:

The Negotiator
Spiral of Death
Constructo-Bomb Glove
Groovitron Glove
Buzz Blades
Rift Inducer 5000
Mr. Zurkon
Sonic Eruptor
R.Y.N.O. V

These are usually the only ones I use

I know most people don't like the R.Y.N.O. V, but I just lawl so much whenever I use it, but I think the fact that it plays the 1812 festival overture when you fire it is brilliant!

Deleted user
I know most people don't like the R.Y.N.O. V, but I just lawl so much whenever I use it, but I think the fact that it plays the 1812 festival overture when yo fire it is brilliant!

I definitely agree with you there. Even if I don't think it's very original compared to the other R.Y.N.O.'s, but having 1812 festival overture while firing the weapon is just epic gold. Sometimes, when the action gets really exciting using the R.Y.N.O V, I like to add my own lyrics with random words to the song to make using the R.Y.N.O even more fun. I know it's weird, but I bet some people would do the same thing when that tune appears. emoji

I still used the Sonic Erupter the most though (besides for the Construoto weapons)

Same here. The Sonic Eurptor would probably be one of the first weapons that I would fully upgrade right away. It's just so fun and awesome to use this "Burp-ish Mate Calling" baby! emoji

Deleted user

heheh yeah, I upgraded that one first since I just liked using it so much… XD but I remember at Gimlick Valley, so many of my weapons kept upgrading, constantly!!

I like all of the weapons in ACIT.

I liked the Buzz Blades, the targeting was improved since ToD as they orbited the enemy and constantly dealt damage rather than bouncing everywhere.
Also the Rift Inducer 5000, I liked the Rift Inducer in R&C3, so it was good to see that making an improved return! emoji

Deleted user

chimp o matic (DUH)

I loved them all especially RYNO V (rip ya a new one)V