Thread: Ratchet & Clank : Comic ?

Yup, this is legit. I crossed referenced it with info from loads of other sites and it seems to be true. And to be honest, it doesn't surprise me in the least… Sony and DC seem to be getting on great at the moment, especially after those RaC figures (can't wait for Series 2 XD).
I think these comics take place after the events in a Crack in Time, according to all the sites.



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Yeap, after looking into it more… it looks totally legit and now I'm so excited to get it in September emoji Wahoo! As well as those next series of figurines!

And a new villain that's a Markazian? Sounds very interesting and I'm glad they're going back to the Solana galaxy too, so interested in seeing how this comes out! I wonder if we'll see any other characters too?

Yes I agree with Melazzee, DO WANT! I'm a sucker for the art style. emoji

I'll have to keep my pennies aside since I know I'm going to have to import it to the UK from the USA - Comics in the UK are about as common as unicorns and fairy dust, at least in the area where I live.

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I think all the fans who see this info this morning (night for me) will be saying in their minds "WANT." emoji

And well yeah I bet I'll have to import it too, but at least the price is fair emoji I had to import the figurines as well to New Zealand (but from Aussie), but it's also exciting to know it's apparently going to be 6 issues too, yey!

Sucks really, import costs are sky high from what I've seen at the moment -_-
Hopefully by September, they'll be cheap as chips (as if :P). But I'm definatly saving up for this, I miss the Solana Galaxy… and Galactic President QUARK?!

The galaxy is screwed XD

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I wonder how the HECK he became the president! Well President Phyronix was never too smart and always believed Qwark and 'Secret Agent Clank' were the true heroes, so he probably gave Qwark the job… sigh emoji

I hope some old characters appear too, if it fits with it's storyline XD


Seriously though, I hope I find it in local book shops here. May not buy it, but sure I'm going to read it XD And if the story is written by TJ Fixman, I'm sure it'll be good.

(Qwark as ruling a Galaxy…yeah, Solana is screwed)

Someone should scan them in to teh internetz XD

question is: will it only be available in the U.S? emoji

This is amazeing and it look like Ratchet got a new clothes too.

I hope it comes out to the USA. I would like to read it, plus the others that they making.

Ratchet and Clank and DC comics are American. So yes it will be in America, and with DC being a big international comic vendor it will be available for import too. I actually found a small comic store in Newcastle the other day - and by small I mean cramped cos it was full of anything and everything! They might get it in there. 8D

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I don't really support scanning the content to be honest, I think a true fan would want to own the actual thing emoji

But yeah, I'll be definitely buying this, even if I have to online AND overseas emoji and also, this comic IS going to be Canon, just found it. This makes me even more excited about it's release O.O !!!