Thread: Clank's Time Puzzles in the Memonic Stations

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When you re-enter the Great Clock sectors, you could enter back to the Mnemonic Stations to Clank's subconscious and play some really challenging time recording puzzles.

Some of you may already know about this, but those who haven't… you have something to enjoy the gameplay even more in ACIT. :P

For those who have tried them out, what were your thoughts about these puzzle time challenges?

- How difficult were these puzzles for you?
- Was the prizes you got to complete these puzzles were worth it?
- Which of the three were the most difficult for you?
- Did you solve these puzzles on your own?
- Did you use a walkthrough to solve these puzzles?

Discuss about these three puzzle challenges in the Mnemonic Stations.

I've done all of them and they were a challenge and it took me 2 hour to complete them all..

But despise that, it was still fun to figure out what to do.

As for the prize, eh… i can deal with it.

Ah, I only had a short amount of time to play ACIT as it was borrowed, but I managed to do the puzzles in the actual story mode of the game and they were difficult enough! I'm not a very puzzle-minded person mind, I skipped one of the puzzles emoji

Deleted user
I've done all of them and they were a challenge and it took me 2 hour to complete them all..

But despise that, it was still fun to figure out what to do.

As for the prize, eh… i can deal with it.

The puzzles took forever for me to solve as well. The first and second puzzle challenges I solved on my own. The third one on the other hand I really had to checked a video walkthrough for that puzzle challenge. It totally lost me very easily!

Overall, I enjoyed the challenges, despite it's difficulty.

I was pretty disappointing that the prizes you get for the Mnemonic Station puzzles were…

Gold Bolts.

If it was something worth getting like extra video features for example would definitely make we want to replay those puzzles again.

The puzzles I did were not easy but not to hard I sloved most of them myself except one of them was that hard for me that I have to use a walkthrough for it (the one that is the most difficult for me wat the one with the big square bit …. I'm not so good at level discriptions sometimes ^^; ) but in the end to me that getting thoese bolts were worth it as I got my first platinum trophy from my PS3 games collection

If it was something worth getting like extra video features for example would definitely make we want to replay those puzzles again.

I would have like that idea.

The only problem with those puzzles is after you figure out what to do, you only have little time to reach the goal before time runs out.