Messages: 171
Lombax OCs
Now, we all know that alot of Ratchet and Clank fans have their own OCs. Some of them are fantastically memorable and you are dying to know more about them!
I usually find myself thinking that alot of OCs have a surprising amount of depth to them, and are usually based around the creator's personal experiences. For example, Pilot, who can be seen in my avatar (lool) will always remain a part of me because… in a sense… he is me. And so I can keep his feelings, his attitudes and the things that he is capable of doing "realisticly possible and beleivable", in a sense.
I think the best OC is the most apparently "normal" OC. No huge robotic cyborg 'baxes, no multi-coloured things… usually it's the simplest things that stand out to me the most. It's their personalities and backstories that intrigues me, and sets them out from the rest.
My question is, do you find yourself liking people's OCs more than the canon characters? How come?