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It seems this games music shows ratchets Darker side as well as a deep insight to ratchets darker emotions in my opinion that is but what are your thoughts on this games emotional feel
It seems this games music shows ratchets Darker side as well as a deep insight to ratchets darker emotions in my opinion that is but what are your thoughts on this games emotional feel
Messages: 53
I do agree too, this game was darker than the other R&C titles, even all the levels were low in constrast and the music was all different. But the humor is still there and the characters, it's a bit hard to take seriously because of that but I am glad most of the games arent that dark, Crack in TIme was about right IMO
Well, i love the Deadlocked feeling, its more kinda… BLOW SH** UP. I like that.
I thought Deadlocked was one of the darkest games from the franchise, especially with the humour in the game. The dialogue may of felt like the Ratchet PS2 trilogy games, but the jokes were quite crude in this one. Not extremely crude, but sort of like Jak 2 crude.
Messages: 79
it was darker, yes. But they were being held prisoner! Do you expect them to skip around in the flowers while holding hands? I think the feel of it matched the story very well
They send one of yours to the hospital, you send one of theirs to the morgue
Messages: 13
I love the feel of Gladiator its the type of game that just completed the series. it the game were you are fighting for your life and the blowing the f**k out of anything and everything to win the title!! :oui: the music gives the game a darker edge 2 other games & its this bad @ss feel that just completed the game to make it completely awsome!!
Time is a gift, and it itself is not to be tampered with!
@Devastator Please don't use swear words on the forum next time as there are younger members on this site.
Devastators message has been edited due to not censoring any explicit cussing in the posts. I suggest you should check the link below before posting in any more threads.
But moving on to the topic…
it was darker, yes. But they were being held prisoner! Do you expect them to skip around in the flowers while holding hands? I think the feel of it matched the story very well
Well I wasn't expecting anything too happy and cheerful in Deadlocked, but seeing the concept, tone and design was quite different compared to the previous Ratchet games. I do agree that the edgy feel matches the story well, but I thought the bad a** approach felt too overwhelming.
I'm sure its appeal does appreciate some fans from the series, but others such as myself will have some mixed feelings from the direction IG took for Deadlock/Gladiator.
Messages: 13
well deadlocks feel is completely different to the other 3 games before it.because your a gladiator fighting for your life and it is pritty tense, some people might not like that cenario but personally id love the rush, the living on the edge , the fame and fans and crowds buying
t-shirts and mechandise with your face on it. you'd be know as a celebrity gladiator!! but the feel i have to agree with you is at first overwhelming. and i think why it is so overwhelming is because its completely different to the other 3 games and most of all you have choice!! , in going commando and R&C 3 you can choose to enter the arenas and walk out most the part alive. also its part of some missions to gain important items that you need to get to progress in the game.
and i have to agree with you that i wasnt expecting anything nice and safe in gladiator, but to be honest i didnt want that i wanted a bad ass game(sorry), and iam glad they deliverd the game they did because its awsome!!! and i love that its co-op story mode, because i think that this feature take that overwhelmingness away, because you have a friend with ya and you can explore and fight through the game with you bst m8 with you
Time is a gift, and it itself is not to be tampered with!
I never played the game, but I've seen a walkthrough of the game. It was different compare to the other Ratchet and Clank games, including the new one. The one thing I hate about it was when the news began slauthering (don't know if I spell it right) about the heroes. Never like those and never will.
Well i just think that the change to a darker game is better then a change to a happier game, so… what they actually did now
Because My favorite RaC games are more of the darker, cooler ones, UYA, Deadlocked (Gladiator) and ToD, i just dont like the enemies looking 80% funny and 20% awesome, i think it should be the other way, or even 90% awesome and the rest funny.
Just too bad i dont have my PS2 anymore, so INSOMNIAC, PLEEASE, PS3 VERSIONS OF THE PS2 ONES
For the news, i think they were suppose to piss you off, so you can actually really get the "Now i am SO going to blow you up" feeling, i love in the game.