Did anyone here were annoyed or hated Ratchet's attitude against Clank in the middle of this game?
Did it bug you completely or you didn't mind it one bit?
Well I'll be honest with this one, it was a hit or miss when these two were in conflict with one another. There were moments when Ratchet and Clank were arguing with one another, it became instant comedy. Although, since I am a big fan on the character Clank, there were moments where Ratchet said some pretty harsh comments to Clank. I wasn't too offended about the responses, more like being pretty annoyed overall.
Now I do understand that Ratchet was supposed to be portray as an immature brat for his way to become a hero and having both him and Clank arguing is what made the story dialogue a bit more interesting, but I thought it was a bit over the top. In other words, the conflicts and Ratchet's jerky attitude was a bit too much.