Thread: My thoughts about the Ratchet and Clank movie after rewatchi

So I rewatched the Ratchet and Clank movie and I liked it, liked all of the movie didn't get bored or cringed (well I think one scene made me cringe) but it's a perfectly fine movie and I no longer complain about the voices in the dub since they are actually fine (only the pronouncing of Ratchet is bad) and I would watch it again. I think the biggest reason people hate the movie is the 2016 game because the movie itself is fine just when they made the game it kinda ruined it. Also yes, people hate it because it's not the original Ratchet we love but I think that RaC PS4 also added on hate. And If I had to pick either the RaC movie or RaC PS4 I would pick the movie. TL;DR : Do I like it? Yes. Would I rewatch it? Yes. For me, it's a completely fine movie.

And the title of the thread should be ''My thoughts about the Ratchet and Clank movie after rewatching it after seeing last time almost 5 years ago and hating it for almost 4 years¨ not that cut down thing

I'm not sure about the "hate" you're talking about, but I have to admit to the shame I've watched it only twice. Once in theater (dubbed) and then the English redemption on my copy at home. It's a fun movie and I'm not sure on why I don't watch it more often. Obviously the Rangers could have done with more personality, but Ratchet and Clank are the characters I focus on, so I don't mind much. And Elaris, little screentime she has, makes up for a lot. 

I'm also glad the movie is about a "different" Ratchet. It's nice to have something stand-alone and see a modernized version of the early beginnings.

And I also want to point out the lighting in the movie is sublime. Delicioso.

I'm not sure about the "hate" you're talking about, but I have to admit to the shame I've watched it only twice. Once in theater (dubbed) and then the English redemption on my copy at home. It's a fun movie and I'm not sure on why I don't watch it more often. Obviously the Rangers could have done with more personality, but Ratchet and Clank are the characters I focus on, so I don't mind much. And Elaris, little screentime she has, makes up for a lot. 

I'm also glad the movie is about a "different" Ratchet. It's nice to have something stand-alone and see a modernized version of the early beginnings.

And I also want to point out the lighting in the movie is sublime. Delicioso.

 I also think if it stayed in just movie form it would be better. Because when they made the PS4 game where they shoehorned other stuff and I think that they made it bad in game form with the shoehorning of other stuff. And also I think that If I would see the movie in English I would hate the movie idk why. I think with the dub and different voices make it better for me

I really loved the PS4 game. Of course I would have prefered a direct sequel to Nexus--finally looking for those other Lombaxes and finish the story there. But R&C'16 did give a new look at R&C1 and how beautiful those levels can be with the power of today (or, I guess, of five years ago). Before I started playing, I did not expect to see all those planets recreated exactly. It was awesome. Not a bad step, but I am happy to see Rift Apart brings us back on track. The PS4 game was a nice side step.

And I can understand your talking of the dubbing. I've recently started re-watching the movies I had on VHS when I was little (and never saw again until now). As a reflex I set them to English, but those were not "my" voices, lines or even names. Little Foot, Ducky, Spike...? No, they're Platvoet, Bekkie and Punt! And what is a thingamabob? I know a dittemedat. And Ariël (or Ariel) had 80; not 20.

I háve to watch them in my own language. I've seen them that way too many times not to, so understand where you're coming from.