Messages: 85
Helio Grubs…Cute or Not?
Heres a little fanart I did of these adorable critters:
I think theyre adorable…what do you think?
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Messages: 85
Helio Grubs…Cute or Not?
Heres a little fanart I did of these adorable critters:
I think theyre adorable…what do you think?
Please check to see if you are still breathing…
Kind of, but not completely cute.
However, I think these creatures sound really funny when Ratchet picks them up with his wrench.
Messages: 947
Messages: 85
Kind of, but not completely cute.
However, I think these creatures sound really funny when Ratchet picks them up with his wrench.
Haha yeh the squeak sound they make
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Messages: 50
I found them so cute that I did the Morrow Caverns carrying them all the way to the end to replace Clank. (using some glitches of course)
xD i thought they were funny especially when Ratchet picks them up with his wrench
aaaw they were so cute
Ever saw their animation when you hold 'em? They look at you with those big eyes and try to escape..
Everytime i accidentally killed one of them a part of me died
I used to pick them up from the Water tubs they spawn in, and put them down again, so another one spawns. I had so many in the end, that the whole point was so iluminated, you could only see white
And i discovered an odd glitch (probably).
On one spawn point, there is one Helio Grub that is noticeably bigger than the other ones
Messages: 192
A Helio Grub plushy!!
If they exist i want one lol!
Oh man, those things were indeed cute
Messages: 192
Oh man, those things were indeed cute
That little noise they made made them so much cuter as well!
And their screaming when they were thrown… cute and thrilling at the same time. Poor liitle creatures. Mr. Zurkon would kill them anyway.
Messages: 192
And their screaming when they were thrown… cute and thrilling at the same time. Poor liitle creatures. Mr. Zurkon would kill them anyway.
Zurkon smash!
I wonder how they came up with the name Zurkon actually, just popped into my head there