Thread: Best Lines from Going Commando

Thief - Angelena : Or this, will happen to you

Ratchet : No thats definetly my ship

Crystal Hippie : Everything belongs to the cosmos, no

Fizzwidget : How bout' some flyin tunes, oops

Clank : He did that on purpose

Deleted user

Why was this in the Up Your Arsenal section of the forum?

Moved to the Going Commando section because these quotes and characters comes from that Ratchet and Clank sequel.

Lol thx… I forgot emoji

Fizzwidget-Greetings! I am Abercrombie Fizzwidget…..(goes on to rant on with ridiculously odd words)
Fizzwidget-Good work my boy you're proving invaluable in this underwear XD
Ratchet-Someones got a girlfriend……….Don't stop for anything along the way.