Thread: Skins and Skill Points

After collecting a few hero bolts it said that I'd unlocked a couple of skins for Ratchet, but I can't access them anywhere, not in the Options, not in the Extras. How do you change skin in offline mode, if you can?

Also, is there any value when you collect Skill Points? i.e. Do you unlock something after accumulating a certain amount of SP?

Deleted user
When you choose the character you want to play with, after locking your choice, choose the skin with the up and down buttons.

This makes more sense to pick the skins this way. I had trouble trying to pick a different skin for Clank, but thanks to XoravaX, I know what to do now. emoji

lol I discover that last night after I got 2 skins for clank and manage to get some skill points too emoji

When you choose the character you want to play with, after locking your choice, choose the skin with the up and down buttons.

Thanks, hadn't tried that before!emoji And to think how idiot-proof the rest of the game is…