Messages: 236
Hero Bolt #1: In the second Incinerator room in the Detention cell, there are 2 glass containment deals, in order to get them open, you need to clean up the metal l deals, the far right container has the first hero bolt in it.
Hero Bolt #2: At the end of the Vac-U training in the detention cell, just before you step onto the platform on the other side of the door, in the right hand corner next to the door are some hero bolts.
Hero Bolt #3: The next bolt is located on the first stretch of collapsing rock Outside the Receiving Station, when you get past the first hidden lab.
Hero Bolt #4: Eventually you will come to a piece of land that has a bunch of exploding crates, to the far right is another glass container just like the ones in the detention cell there are hero bolts underneath, use your vac-u to open the container and collect the bolt.
Hero Bolt #5: Once you get to the zipline leading to Suzie's village, there are some hero bolts on the far end of that piece of land.
Hero Bolt #6: On the right hand side of Suzie's village entrance are the 2 bridges that you need to cross in order to get to the next part of the game, between the 2 bridges is a metal platform that contains the next hero bolts
Hero Bolt #7: I do not fully understand this one, if anyone else can help it would be appreciated, but apparently it is located just to the left of the first Pyromite spawner. Once again, I have collected all of the bolts, but it's been a few weeks since I last played and I can't remember that far back.
Hero Bolt #8: Once you get to the first checkpoint after the fight under the energy shield, it will be to you right.
Hero Bolt #9: After the second lab, once you get past the springshots and destroy the gravoids in this location, the bolt(s) will be on your left.
Hero Bolt #10: At one point in the deadgrove, you will take on 2 proto turrets, and right after, there will be a launch pad, the bolt(s) will be on a ledge to your right, right after taking the launch pad.
Hero Bolt #11: Within the Root Cavern, you will end up bouncing off of some mushroom caps to reach the bottom, this/these bolt(s) is/are located on a platform in between some of the mushroom caps, I had a hard time with this one, the trick is to use your Vac-U's to shoot one of your friends/ai partners up to the platform and then hookshooting up there and then suck up the bolt.
Hero Bolt #12: This one was also kind of tricky, once you get past the collapsing ramp, you will be in an area with 2 x's on the ground for the quakehammers, hit the one on the right and you will hit a spring that will bounce you up to a platform, from here, use the Vac-U to shoot your friend/partner over to the left onto another platform and hookshot over to claim the bolt.
Hero Bolt #13: During the first jetpack session, you will eventually come to a piece of glass on your right that has the hero bolt(s) behind it, just slam into the glass to claim it/them.
Hero Bolt #14: Once you get to the mining camp, secret lab #3 will be right in front of you, the hero bolt(s) is/are right next to it just off of the ledge.
Hero Bolt #15: This one is kind of obvious, it is located right after the pully lift just before the Vertigus Cliffs, in Elerox Pass.
Hero Bolt #16: This next one is also after a pully lift, it will be right after the next pully lift just before the grind session on the conduit.
Hero Bolt #17: After you get out of the wind tunnel shaft, it will be to your left.
Hero Bolt #18: In the Rehabitation Center at N.E.S.T. after taking the rail station to get back into the facility, in the very first room, it will be on your right.
Hero Bolt #19: After defeating Commander Spog, there will be an elevator that you will need to take, once you are past the elevator, the bolt(s) will be on your right.
More to come.