Thread: PlayStation(R) 4

I've played through the campaign twice. Don't wanna spoil itemoji

In case you haven't seen it yet.. 20 minutes of your time. A master piece of a fan movie!


Don't worry, I've beaten the game.

Although I'd like to say, that movie captured everything that makes me put TR on lower levels than Uncharted.
It takes itself too seriously, I get that it's trying to tell a story about the hardships that Lara had to go through, but a joke or two wouldn't hurt. Nathan Drake, even when in his toughest hours, still manages to crack one or to one-liners.
In fact, I was more entertained by the 15 minutes where you just swipe the screen and hear Nate and Sully chat in Golden Abyss, than the entirety of TR.

I mend spoiling as in 'not starting memorizing the script'. emoji

I love Uncharted for getting away the tension out of hot situations, just like you said. But unlike your case, that’s what makes me prefer Tomb Raider. When Crystal took over from Core they 'un-canonized' Tomb Raider I - Angel on Darkness and started its new story with Legend - Tomb Raider '13. A more loveable yet mature bad ass woman with a goal in life. (Unlike Core's boody-babe).

The true spirit of Tomb Raider is in Crystal's trilogy and reboot. (I'm gonna do this spoiler free. Not sure if you played Legend, Anniversary or Underworld) With Legend starting a search for Lara's first artifact from the past, which in the end let to a journey to something far different. Giving Lara and the player a new goal and hope in Underworld. But first came Anniversary ''Sometimes you have to go back to the past, to understand the present''. The combi of Ann and Leg led to the dark edges of Underworld. Underworld has such a unique dark mood I can't even describe it! Just amazing, this whole trilogy led you to one point, a spark, of hope and you just regretted you ever wanted it. Leaving Lara to a difficult decision that has only one honorable outcome.

Its just unlike anything I've ever seen in the Uncharted games. A lot of the things I find forgettable. Yet recognizable. In the battle between Lara and Drake, Lara wins. But with Drake not too far behind.

At this point our opinion is just a matter of what we expect in a Video-Game, personally, I like to de-track from realism, something light-hearted and doesn't take itself too seriously.
That's where TR '13 falls flat for me, the PS1 TR games, while they have aged poorly, don't do stuff like "Oh god! I killed a deer!" *5 minutes later* "DIE YOU BASTARDS!".

It wasn't really 5 minutes, more like 5 hours, but I get your point.

You must have heard that notorious scream in Croft. It was a joke, but I thought it was a moodkiller. If Tomb Raider goes back to its Core 'I only play for sport' formula, I'm pretty sure it will be ruined in seconds. Crystal is handling the series nicely, better than Core ever could. emoji

And what I admire so much about Crystal trilogy as well, is that it's truly closed. The first trilogy I ever played without any loose ends. emoji