A fairly simple one this time:
I'm here to fix the transflexorcoil
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A fairly simple one this time:
I'm here to fix the transflexorcoil
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No, it was not the Plumber…..
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Messages: 5964
Ratchet disguised as one of those alien thingies? Sorry, I forgot the name for a moment.
No, not quite, but you're on the right track…
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Messages: 31
It is Ratchet who says that in going commando trying to steal the protopet at the ship, right?
It is Ratchet who says that in going commando trying to steal the protopet at the ship, right?
Correct! That means it's your turn!
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Messages: 31
Clank:"Ratchet was calling you something quiet different"
Guess who is meant
Citation : Auteur inconnu
Clank:"Ratchet was calling you something quiet different"
Guess who is meant
That one's from RaC 2, when they find out who the thief actually is
Messages: 31
Now ist your turn
Mr. "aster', please report to the quote game
correction that one is when you are at the megacorp armory when ratchet is talking to angela before they get the coordinates to the next level
Omg you're so cute, yes you are... I'm gonna name you Snowball!
ooh damn so it's my turn huh?
There's a slight problem, cause i play the games in german, but i'll try my best…
Ooooh i have one
Hey how 'ya doin?
It's either really easy, or quite hard, i'm not sure..
Messages: 31
Is it ratchet in deadlocked when he sees at the phoenix sasha again and couldnt find the right words to say?
I hoped he'd say "Will you marry me" there
It might be, but it's not really the one i meant..
Well, i'll give a hint, cause it is entirely possible that someone else said that too.
It's from ACiT :oui: