Throughout the different games, I notice that the characters have always looked at least slightly different from the previous game(s). Is it the result of different animators, evolving animations techniques, or something else?
My reason for asking is this: I am very excited for the new game coming out this winter, "Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus".
I must say that I am concerned about the animation. For the new game, do they plan to keep to the rest of the Future Saga, seeing as it is supposed to be the fourth installment? Or will they follow what was done in "All 4 One"?
In my personal opinion, I am hoping the animation is at least closer to the rest of the Future Saga, simply because I prefer the animation. I have not played "All 4 One", but I do not like the animation I have seen.
Also, what of the movie? What is to happen there? It is entirely possible that the animation itself may turn, but it's hard to say. Little about the movie, and its animation, has been released, so far as I know.
What is your opinion?
~Foenix Nightshade