Thread: Hopes for Ratchet and Clank PS4

True. Which I find kinda confusing. Should've called it Tomb Raider: a Survivor is Born. Like the slogan.

I bet R&C will go to live as Ratchet & Clank '15 when the same happens.

Qwark vid-comics would be nice emoji

Someone here once suggested to turn the actual comics into vid-comics. I stand by that.

What if in this game there's a level where you're the commander of a giant army and you're in a war with the Blaarg/Tyhrranoids? Something similar to UYA but on a much bigger scale. Wouldn't that be epic?!

No? Okay…

Ratchet and Clank controlling an army of galatic Rangers and then yes, you have my attention:oui:

Wouldn't it be cool if they made this twice as long?

Nexus was pretty cool with all of the different gadgets and features. I wish to see more gameplay changes like those.

I WANT to see a NEW saga of Ratchet and Clank games on the PS4 I WANT to see the return of Slim Cognito and Big Al and Helga and Skrunch I WANT to see the funny old humour from the classic games in the games on the PS4.

More information about the PS4 Ratchet and Clank game have been relayed in the French site, coming from an Insomniac's developper. So I don't think you've seen that and I decided to share that with you :

- To be clear, the game will be a real remake. Therefore, all the Ratchet and Clank 1 levels will be totally remade. There won't be the same characters, planets, musics, sounds etc.

- Insomniac don't prefer to tell anything about the release dates. That means the game will not necessarily release at the same time of the movie, so it can come out at the end of 2015. Good thing, isn't it ?

- A Rachet and Clank : Into the Nexus sequel is always possible.

And there it is. emoji

So, after they are finished with the reboot, another Ratchet and Clank game could come out?!? Man, these guys wont give up on Ratchet and Clank ever! emoji

Absolutly. They'll not abandon the serie as long as there will still be a lot of fans. emoji

…and what better way, than to have a full-feature movie and ps4 reboot!emoji

- A Rachet and Clank : Into the Nexus sequel is always possible.

Aka they are probably not going to reboot the entire series. Most probably this will be the very first game ever that is based on a movie based on a game… oh, wait:

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More information about the PS4 Ratchet and Clank game have been relayed in the French site, coming from an Insomniac's developper. So I don't think you've seen that and I decided to share that with you :

- To be clear, the game will be a real remake. Therefore, all the Ratchet and Clank 1 levels will be totally remade. There won't be the same characters, planets, musics, sounds etc.

- Insomniac don't prefer to tell anything about the release dates. That means the game will not necessarily release at the same time of the movie, so it can come out at the end of 2015. Good thing, isn't it ?

- A Rachet and Clank : Into the Nexus sequel is always possible.

And there it is. emoji

Actually, that's not really an incredible news flash - IG was caliming that it's a new game just based on the original one since the very beggining, same to the possibility of an ItN sequel. The other news are just a summary of everything Vitti (one of Insomniacs) said on IG forums.

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"Hit movie" emoji