Thread: The Star Wars Thread

Huh! Didn't recognize their canon models. emoji

They're the ''heads'' I used during my own playthroughs. emoji

… I guess I wouldn't recognize those either. emoji

Not unless you used the same ones, but I sense you've played maleemoji

Not every time, actually. But yeah, I still didn't use those heads. emoji

Just a short time before Force Awakens! I really hope it doesn't end on a huge cliffhanger. A year can only take ao long.emoji

Just a short time before Force Awakens! I really hope it doesn't end on a huge cliffhanger. A year can only take ao long.emoji

My prediction:

Star Wars 7: Yay! They blew up the death planet and everyone lives!
Star Wars 8: No! Finn loses his hand and Solo dies!
Star Wars 9: Every bad guy dies and every good guy wins!

Just a short time before Force Awakens! I really hope it doesn't end on a huge cliffhanger. A year can only take ao long.emoji

My prediction:

Star Wars 7: Yay! They blew up the death planet and everyone lives!
Star Wars 8: No! Finn loses his hand and Solo dies!
Star Wars 9: Every bad guy dies and every good guy wins!

Given patterns I guess… emoji Though there is Rogue One to consider.

Just a short time before Force Awakens! I really hope it doesn't end on a huge cliffhanger. A year can only take ao long.emoji

My prediction:

Star Wars 7: Yay! They blew up the death planet and everyone lives!
Star Wars 8: No! Finn loses his hand and Solo dies!
Star Wars 9: Every bad guy dies and every good guy wins!

Given patterns I guess… emoji Though there is Rogue One to consider.

Rouge One appears to be going the way of "Flyboys" or other aerial combat movies. Not a bad way to do so with emoji

True, true. Again, not a bad thing. emoji

Well hopefully not that last part! emoji

Well, once and Expanded Universe junkie, always an Expaned Universe junkie. It's not going to be bad, but the real challenge is… Is Captain Phasma cooler than Mara Jade?!

Almost certainly not, let's be honest here.

Almost certainly not, let's be honest here.

Ah-ha! Almost certainly, you're not 100% confident either.emoji

Well you never know! I just highly doubt it. emoji