Okay, let me talk about the movies. Many people said that the Star Wars prequels suck, but I don't think they are that bad (except for Episode II. Go ahead. It has too much drama and romance rubbish). What do you guys think about the prequels?
I only consider The Clone Wars and Rebels as canon to the series. The original trilogy had a bunch of bad editing, whiny dialogue, poor CGI, and Ewoks. The Special Edition made everything worse except for the emperor. The Prequels had whiny dialogue, good CGI (that people hated for some reason), and Jar-Jar…and Padme….and Anikin–oh! Just watch this and get my point! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cxjlN9e9-c
The clone wars had the best animation of any cartoon show, and answered some of the biggest questions (yes, Jar-Jar was in a few episodes) For those of you with netflix, I'd recommend it. Star Wars Rebels has the most astetically pleasing look of any show as of yet. Though not as good as Clone Wars, it still lives up to it's reputation.
"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."