Thread: The Star Wars Thread

So, Anakin is technically a Dark Jedi, then. And I guess I'd like to be a gray Jedi. Besides, the Jedi code is too dafuq. You can't have emotion because it can cause you to fall for the Dark Side?! However, if I were to choose between Light or Dark side, I'd choose Light. Dark is too evil. And for the lightsaber, I'd definitely choose blue.

Nee, nooit. Ik hou van mijn account! Het is voor mij zeer dierbaar!
You're doing pretty good though!

As for Ani… Gotta look for a bounty hunter I think… Shae Vizla!! Get over here!

Sorry I'm late, I work every single day (BUT NOT ANYMORE!!!)
anyway, speaking of Shae Vizla, she didn't appear on Star Wars Rebels, but as a new girl named Ketsu Onuo.

That's cause Shae Vizla is dead for a thousand years! Still, one of the coolest Old Republic characters! Even though she doesn't do much besides fly around and looking cool. Much like a certain other Mandalorianemoji

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That would make him a Dark Jedi, yes emoji
Actually about 25.000 years before A New Hope, the original Jedi were all about balance! There were no Sith nor Sith. Just one Force using faction. Even pure blood Sith were a part of that! But I've only the Dawn of the Jedi novel, not the comics. So I'm not sure what made it change….

And Galen Marek, is he a Grey Jedi? Since he used to be a Sith, and even when he has become a Jedi, he still have powers from the Dark Side.

I wouldn't label him at all actually. According to the novels, Galen Marek died in the first game. And I don't mean the climactic ending, but when Vader shoves him out of the window to show The Emperor that he didn't care about him. At this point Vader already had a bunch of clones, the Starkiller you play in the other half of the first game and the entirety of Force Unleashed II (aka, the Starkiller that fell in love with Juno). So technically… he has never really been part of either faction. But he isn't about balance either, since he mostly uses Dark Side powers.

Think he's a little like The Exile from KOTOR II. My Exile, Jocelyn Maura, despised the Force and all it's uses. She despised the Jedi ánd the Sith. She uses the Force as a tool for good, but doesn't accept it to control her actions. I think Starkiller is a bit like her, a neutral character. But not really a Gray Jedi either…

Hmm… thanks for the explanation. Now I understand why some (or maybe many) fans are infuriated and disappointed with Disney's decision to make the EU non-canon.

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The interdictor cruiser was made canon on Star Wars Rebels

I don't see it as non-canon. I rather see them as seperate timelines:

Disney Canon
Lucas Canon

The new movies are nice, but they won't top what's already happened.

I don't see it as non-canon. I rather see them as seperate timelines:

Disney Canon
Lucas Canon

The new movies are nice, but they won't top what's already happened.

What about the clone wars? I don't think that Lucas really had a part in them, and they certainly aren't disney. Let's just call it: "Filoni canon!"

Funny, I think it's canon to both. Since Disney acknowledged it, with their Rebels sequel. Speaking of which, Force Awakens is out for Disney Infinity 3.0! Now we wait for the Cpt. Phasma figure!

Funny, I think it's canon to both. Since Disney acknowledged it, with their Rebels sequel. Speaking of which, Force Awakens is out for Disney Infinity 3.0! Now we wait for the Cpt. Phasma figure!

Well, the clone wars was cancelled because of Disney, but, either way, it's canon…

It certanly was painful! I still dream of Star Wars 1313, that would have been the ti**emoji

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It certanly was painful! I still dream of Star Wars 1313, that would have been the ti**emoji

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Level 1313 actually made into the clone wars when Ahsoka was fleeing Anakin!
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Got a new Star Wars lunchbox plus bottle for Christmas. And Captain Phasma is on it! Mother knows best ^^

Got a new Star Wars lunchbox plus bottle for Christmas. And Captain Phasma is on it! Mother knows best ^^

Got a Ps4/Battlefront 3 for Christmas–you win Heather! It's sooo tedious to download, to update, to purchase, JUST for training! You can't play online without an EA account, and even when you do, it's so hard to play! The shots rain down from everywhere, and the weapons are so confusing! And yes…there's no space battles, no conquest, no clone wars, and…ect.

At least the visuals are jaw dropping. 'Bout the only redeeming thing about this game…kinda like the Good Dinosaur :/

And at least now I have a PS4 for the REAL game experience:
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